Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kylie Jenner gets stopped by police, can’t work her angles

PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE Kylie Jenner gets another ticket for her reckless driving

Kylie Jenner is the QUEEN of Instagram angles. Homegirl knows how to work angles like none other – she can make her lips look insane and her face look… not like it’s her face. But when she was stopped while driving in Los Angeles the other day, there were no angles or filters to help her.

What did we get? A very normal looking Kylie Jenner. Amazingly, she looks 17. She looks like a normal fucking teenager who hasn’t pumped her face full of collagen and whatever other shit they’ll put in you now to make you look like a wax figure. I think I like this look a whole lot better, but sadly it won’t last.

[H/T Fishwrapper]

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