Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kim Kardashian Designs Baby Clothes Now

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If Kim Kardashian is living proof of one thing, it’s that you don’t need to be particularly good at something to try and make a career of it. And while she has been known for her curves and her “fashion sense” (which I personally think is hideous, but YMMV) and has launched several clothing lines with varying degrees of success, she’s still not satisfied. No, now that she’s popped North West out and left her with the nannies for a few months, she’s now an expert at what babies should wear and she’s going to design clothes just for them!

Here’s what Kimmycakes told The AP:

“I think a baby line is what’s next for us, and we definitely would have a lot of experience with what we would need to make that line a success and we’re excited about it.”

“I think style always evolves and we all have different moods every season. I see an evolution in myself, I know the things I’m buying are different to the things I used to buy.”

You see an evolution in yourself… when it comes to shopping? Girl, shut the fuck up. I know you were talking about clothes at that time, but that’s where the evolution lies, in what you BUY? Not, you know, how you see the world, how you’ve become less selfish because you’re responsible for this whole new life, not how insane it is to see this little person that YOU made growing in front of you every day… but no, you pick up different things at Barneys when you’re out. Lord help this woman.

I try so hard with you, Kim. I TRY SO HARD and you still let me down. SMH.

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  • Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. Why ANYONE would buy something (other than lube, condoms or some sort of plastic surgery recommendations) recommended or created by this porntastic dwarf or her scummy family is beyond me.