Demi Lovato has gone through some pretty difficult stuff in her life. Apparently she’s struggled with depression for a very long time — since the age of 7. (She’s also said she’s had body dysmorphia since age 3.) And here comes one of the more bizarre things I’ve ever heard of: her parents made her, at age 7, sign a contract that she would not kill herself. Um, what? From E Online:
The principal called my parents and made me sign this suicide contract saying that I would not kill myself. They weren’t expecting that so young.
[On going to rehab in 2010] My parents were like, ‘You have two choices. We can either shut it down and not talk about it, or you can tell people what’s up.’ There was no hesitation, really. I opened up that gate.
Good for her for speaking about it, because I think it helps a lot of people, especially young women, to hear that someone so famous and seemingly perfect has deep struggles of their own. Maybe she’ll reach out to Paris Jackson.
This contract though…I mean, what in the everloving hell?
A contract is common in working with people who are having suicidal ideations
Oh man, can you imagine the trouble you’d be in if you killed yourself after signing one of those contracts?
My thoughts exactely.
I had no idea who this person was until she started “opening up” every 5 minutes about her white gurl problemz. Did anyone? Does she ever talk about anything else? I couldn’t name you one of her songs if my life depended on it but I could tell you all about the history of her mental health. If she’s so concerned about helping people why doesn’t she start a charity or a website or something rather than just talking about herself to fucking E Online or US Weekly constantly which is gonna help no one.
what Marjorie explained I didnt know that any body able to get paid $9070 in a few weeks on the internet. have you read this site