So this picture here? It actually paints a really, really bleak … well, it tells a really bleak story. See, the word is that Rupert asked Liberty out for lunch in order to talk some things over (presumably their marriage, since he’s the one still wearing his ring, while Liberty is not), and when both parties arrived, Liberty pulled a (really great) bitch move, checked out with a male friend, and left her estranged, cheating bastard of a husband in the dust to eat his deli sandwich alone.
After Liberty left and Rupert finished his sandwich, sources say that Rupert went and did a little grocery shopping—alone. While loading his car, he accidentally pulled a paper sack full of groceries apart, and cabbage and tomatoes rolled pretty much everywhere.
Guess life just sucks from all angles when you’re a piece of shit, huh?
Image courtesy of the Daily Mail
Food stays down better without the cunt stinking up the side walk. That’s what I was told.