Oh gosh, for the first time in the history of mankind, I agree with something John Mayer’s saying. Is it time to throw the towel in on being a normal, well-adjusted human being? Well, maybe, but I’ve been thinking about that for some time now, anyway.
From a recent Rolling Stone interview:
John Mayer says that he was “really humiliated” by Taylor Swift’s song “Dear John,” which the country-pop star allegedly wrote about him. “It made me feel terrible,” Mayer says in the new issue of Rolling Stone, on newsstands Friday. “Because I didn’t deserve it. I’m pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do. … I never got an e-mail. I never got a phone call,” he says. “I was really caught off-guard, and it really humiliated me at a time when I’d already been dressed down. I mean, how would you feel if, at the lowest you’ve ever been, someone kicked you even lower?”
Also, John says that Taylor’s schtick of talking about her boyfriends through a song is merely cheap songwriting. ZING!:
Mayer also takes issue with “Dear John” as a musician. “I will say as a songwriter that I think it’s kind of cheap songwriting,” he says. “I know she’s the biggest thing in the world, and I’m not trying to sink anybody’s ship, but I think it’s abusing your talent to rub your hands together and go, ‘Wait till he gets a load of this!’ That’s bullshit.”
Oh God. It’s official. I think I’m in love with this man. It just tickles me to death that someone could sock it to Taylor Swift like this, and hit her where it counts for being such a whiny pain in the ass. Something tells me that she’s going to write a song soon about how horrible it is not to be as important or as special as Jennifer Aniston. But it’s going to be “cryptic,” of course, so keep your eyes out or you might miss it. It’ll be named something like, “But I’m Even Sadder Than You So PAY ATTENTION TO ME INSTEAD” or something.
And speaking of something, something to make me love semi-respect John even more? His new album, ‘Born and Raised’, is said to be authentic Montana-living cowboy, and that sounds like something I’d totally be into:
And this is what I dug up after a little searching:
Come on. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THIS. OK—I’m a little overexcited, I admit it. But how can you, at the very least, not enjoy this?
Way to go, John. I guess I’m totally in your corner these days.
poor john mayer. he’s a douche. do your thing, girlfriend.. call his ass out.
Agree w above, this guy is the worst. Stop whining, you are a complete douchebag.
This guy might be a complete douche bag, but Taylor Swift is also definitely a complete douche bag, too. How is it okay for women to call asses out, but not men? Come on now.
No, it’s because he sings about his exes and talks about them on interviews but doesn’t like it when Swift does the same to him. That is why he is an arsehole.
It’s totally fine to call them out. For me there is no “might”.
He may or may not be a “douche” but that is a lovely song. Great artists are often so called “douches” but it doesn’t negate their talent and what they have to offer as artists. And at least he’s not violent… Unlike, ahem, some other artists who will remain nameless.
“Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole…” (Jonanthan Richman and the Modern Lovers)
But he sure the hell was….
And he’s right about Taylor Swift. Good songs don’t come from puking your diary up. Meow!
And if he’s being called a douche for a couple of slips of the tongue, that just isn’t fair. Christ, he’s human. People seem to believe that celebrities are supposed to be flawless, somehow.
i totally agree with this writer…miss swift should have thought twice before messing with a 30 something man when shes only 19 at the time…..i also believe she had a list of conquests before john mayer so maybe americas sweetheart isnt as “pure and sweet” as shes presented. besides, he is smoking hot…her? not so much. people give the guy a break and focus on his talent and not his mistakes.
Look, John Mayer needs to grow a pair and take his medicine like a big boy. I was hopeful for John when he said he wasn’t going to sing so much anymore. Now I don’t know. Sniveling and whining when Karma comes back to give you a well-deserved bite in the ass is what is really “humiliating.” Play your guitar and STFU.
Steve Tompkins, shame on you for saying a young woman -any woman at all-deserves to be raped. You sickening bastard.
Whiny idiot. So he can talk about how he had sex with Mariah Carey and sings about Jennifer Aniston but when Taylor Swift sings about how he fucked her up when she was only 19, that’s a low blow? He should shut the fuck up.
You are disgusting. Could we remove these comments please?
Hello Sexy Mrs Taylor Swift,& how’s it going Sweet Thang?
Well Uh,hello there this here is a Love Track that I have written & constructed for the lovely Gorgeous Mrs Taylor Swift,& the name of this track that I have written is called Hey Taylor,& I wrote ma track to the Instrumental of a hip-hop song called Battlezone using ma own lyrics,& Battlezone was originally sang by Bone Thugs N Harmony,so dear Sexy Mrs Taylor Swift here is ma track that I wrote for ya to the Instrumental of Battlezone using ma own lyrics
The Song Title:Hey Taylor
The Introduction Before The Chorus:
Mrs Tay,Mrs Swift,take a hit,of a shot,of whisky,I will buy,feeling great,it’s okay,girl,take a lift,on the trains with me babe
The Chorus For Sexy Mrs Taylor Swift:
Ride,smile,hi,it’s alright,I’m a Prince Of Peace,girl,feel ma smile,feeling fine,so girl,you’re polite,with high charms,don’t fight
Verse 1 For Sexy Mrs Taylor Swift:
Coming with passion,well dressed up,fashion is cool,that’s ma style,I don’t like,the types,that’s full of spite,drinking sprite,all night,it’s so nice,drinking booze,that’s right,model at your shows,don’t go,out with creepy guys,you’re too nice,have a slice,have a bite,hey girl,grab a bite,at spots you like,that’s right,floss all night,hey girl,hey babe,that’s right