Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess the Celebrity: Look, A Tattoo!

As you might be able to tell by the photo above (from TMZ, by the way), this celebrity that you’re trying to guess lives without regrets. This celebrity may or may not have done a lot of things that most people would find somewhat reckless or dangerous or just plain stupid, but hey, we’re living without regrets here, ok? So take your judgement someplace else while we get sweet tattoos on our hands.

It’s going to be hard to give you any hints without completely giving away the celebrity in question, but I’ll give it a go. Let’s see … meth. That’s your hint. “Meth.”

Oh God, I just gave it away, didn’t I?

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

If you guessed Lindsay Lohan, then congratulations, you little sleuth, you! Yes, our dear Lindsay got this tattoo on Friday night, reportedly because she believes that “she’s at a great point in her life … and she wanted to do something she’d always remember.” Well, that’s one way to do it, Lindsay.

Here’s the thing: I think living without regrets is a good idea. I don’t really, truly regret anything that I’ve ever done, because everything I’ve ever done led me to where I’m at now, and I absolutely love where I’m at now. But the other side to that coin is that I’ve never really done anything all that regrettable. I was always a super good kid, I never got in trouble at home or at school. I turned into a pretty good adult too, in that I don’t break laws or hurt people or any of those sorts of things.

Lindsay though? Lindsay’s done some things. In the past 4 years, Lindsay has spent over a million dollars in legal fees. Lindsay steals things. Lindsay completely ruined her career. Lindsay manages to get fired from doing community service. COMMUNITY SERVICE! Now, I know that it’s not healthy to live in regret and to spend your time dwelling on it, but I’m just saying that Lindsay’s done a lot of messed up stuff. If I was in Lindsay’s shoes, I would have a pretty difficult time letting go of all that.

What do you guys think? Is Lindsay’s tattoo a good thing? Is it perhaps some sort of sign that she’s moving on with her life, that she’s truly changed and has made a promise to herself to stay out of trouble and away from anything she might regret in the future? Or is she just making light of everything she’s done in the form of a little tattoo on her hand?

Images courtesy of TMZ

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • emily, it’s david bowies birthday, which is way more interesting than lindsay or beyonce or anything else!

    • You are so right, and don’t think I overlooked this! Stay tuned, Friend with Good Taste in Knowing What’s Important.

  • My friend’s mom always used to say “live without regrets,” but I think she meant something along the lines of “chase your dreams and live well enough that you don’t regret it,” not “you can be as gross as a Lohan and reward yourself for it.”

  • Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

    Sometimes we know we shouldn’t and thats exactly why we do.

    Mistakes are sometimes the best memories.

    You’re born, you die, and in between you make a lot of mistakes.

    Every new day is another chance to change your life.

    You are my favorite mistake.

    The times in life, that seems to be the worst, always turn out for the best!

    Live your life without regret, don’t be someone who theyll forget.

    If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it, its much easier to apologize then it is to get permission.

    How come dumb stuff seems so smart while you’re doing it.

    Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

    If I don’t die the first time most likely I will do it again.

    You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump.

    Never regret something that once made you smile.

    Yes, the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it.

    You shouldn’t regret anything that you say, because it was what you were feeling at the moment.

    What I like about experience is that it is such an honest thing.

    If I could take it all back I wouldn’t. Don’t live in regret.

    Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash! Fall in love. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you. Sing out loud. Laugh at a stupid joke. Cry. Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell the asshole what you feel. Let someone know what theyre missing. Laugh til your stomach hurts. LIVE LIFE!

    Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don’t be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever.

    So I made a big mistake try to see it once my way.

    Can you leave it all behind? Cause you cant go back.

    Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can’t because things have changed so much.

    All that stupid fun, all the shit weve done. Where’d the good times go?

    Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can’t accept your imperfections, thats their fault.

    When loving someone, never regret what you do, only regret what you don’t do.

    Then you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

    You only live once, so do everything twice.

    Never regret anything, because at one point you wanted it.

    Every wrong decision is in fact a correct decision but taken at a wrong time so my friends don’t regret… don’t stop… keep walking ahead.

    If I could go back in time and fix all the mistakes I made, I wouldn’t because it has made me who I am today.

    Just because someone messes up once doesn’t mean that within time they can’t find a way to change for the better.

    If you never take chances in life youll miss out on the best things.

    I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.

    I’m a firm believer that sometimes its right to do the wrong thing.

    Never regret anything because at some point you wanted it.

    There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

    The greatest risk in life is not taking one.

    Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate you friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is no end.

    Chances are so hard to come by and the second one is impossible to find.

    You gotta take some chances, you gotta risk losing it all, you gotta close your eyes and leap because it might be worth the fall.

    As we grow older, it’s not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn’t do. That’s why God created tomorrows for us makes things up.

    Never say sorry for something you meant to do.

    Just because someone tells you that you can’t do something doesn’t mean you have to listen.

    It isn’t the problem along the way that make us or break us. It’s how we learn to stand and face them that makes the difference.

    Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.

    Don’t be afraid to go after what you want to do, and what you want to be. But don’t be afraid to be willing to pay the price.

    The greatest joy in life always came from doing what others said that you can’t do.

    I never regretted telling you I liked you, I only regretted never hearing what you really thought of me.

    Sometimes you gotta stop and remember that your not gonna live forever. Be young, thing smart, stay true and just follow your heart.

    Half of life is fucking up – the other half is dealing with it.

    Somewhere along the course of life, you learn about yourself and realize there should never be regrets, only a lifelong appreciation of the choices you’ve made.

    Out best decisions, the ones that we never regret, come from listening to ourselves.

    All in all, I have no regrets. The sun still shines, the sun still sets. The heart forgives, the heart forgets. One more kiss, even though it’s come to this. I’ll close my eyes and make a wish… hoping you’ll remember.

    Cling to your imperfections, they are what make you unique.

    You ask me about regret? Let me tell you a few things about regret, my darling. There is no end to it. You cannot find the beginning of the chain that brought us from there to here. Should you regret the whole chain, and the air in between, or each link separately, as if you could uncouple them? Do you regret the beginning which ended so badly, or just the ending itself? — White Oleander

    I don’t fear your judgment ’cause I already know who I am.

    Someone asked me, the other day, that if I could change five things about my life, what would I change? My answer: nothing this is who I am, who I’m meant to be. I love being me; even when I’m feeling crappy and I hate myself I wouldn’t change a thing.—punkyfairydude

    Well you do what you do and you pay for your sins, and there’s no such thing as what might have been, that’s a waste of time, it’ll drive you out of your mind.— Tim McGraw

    Who am I? I am who I say I am and tomorrow someone else entirely. — White Oleander

    I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mending whole was good as new. What is broken is broken – and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

    Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.—Angelina Jolie

    I’m not going to apologize for it, cause the truth is I’d do it again.

    You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret.

    Shake off the “why’s” and the “what if’s” and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever was – is in the past. Whatever is? That’s what’s important. The past is a brief reflection, and the future is yet to be realized.

    It’s hard to accept, but you can’t change the past. You can’t go back and manipulate things to the way you wanted them to happen. Because life’d be meaningless and boring and just not worth living. But you can change the future and that’s a beautiful thing about life. Yes, you will make mistakes. And yes, you will have bad days – but as long as you let the past go, you’ll have such a gorgeous and bright future ahead of you. Knowing that things were meant to happen. Knowing that each day you will learn something so that you keep growing to be a better person. Life is like a rope, twined in all its complexities and yet weaved into one marvelous stream that you have the chance you use something amazing from. So grab hold of it.

    Often when you think about something for a long period of time, say jumping out of an airplane, you never end up doing it. Its the spontaneity that makes it worth while.

    I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.

    Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you’re going to miss in the years ahead.

    And I won’t look back. And I won’t regret. Though hurts like hell. Someday I will forget.


    I only follow my voice inside, if it guides me wrong and I do not win I’ll learn from my mistakes and try 2 achieve again ~Tupac

    Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.
    – Oscar Wilde

    Accept everything about yourself — I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end — no apologies, no regrets.

      • Freakin’ A overboard! Spare me your aphorisms!

        All this stuff about ‘living without regret’ focuses on that wacky time you kissed a stranger who didn’t even speak your language goodnight, or watched the sunrise in your prom dress after sleeping on the beach with your friends, when you should have been home at 2am. Not getting an exciting heroin addiction, getting pregnant to a stranger, dropping out of university because of your drug addiction, getting arrested for drink driving, etc. So I think we (and Lindsay) need to be fairly careful in our motivation for wishing to ‘live without regret.’