Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Aniston Goes to Couple’s Therapy …

A photo of Jennifer Aniston

Are you ready for this?  Are you ready for the end of that sentence?  Ok …

By herself. Jennifer Aniston is going to couple’s therapy BY HERSELF. Is that not just the saddest thing you’ve ever heard?

Heres’s the full quote:

“She’s been doing a really intensive form of couples’ therapy on her own. She’s conquered the crippling trust issues she had,” a source told British magazine Look.

“They [she and Justin Theroux] are so, so madly in love. He makes her feel happier than she has ever done in her whole life. Justin isn’t like the other guys she has met, he doesn’t pretend not to be into her, he tells her how much he loves her and all he asks for is honesty in return.

“Jen says Justin completes her and that if she hadn’t had therapy, she may have driven him away.”

Is this a thing people do, go to couple’s therapy alone?  If it is, then I’m sorry, I take it all back and I respect and admire all you do, Jennifer. But if it’s not a thing people do, then geez, what state do you have to be in to require that kind of action?

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