Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Lady Gaga Pregnant?

photo of baby gaga pictures exclusive facebook games apps

OK, no, really, she’s not, but did you ever wish you could, you know, be involved even more than you are (which is to say ‘not at all’) with your favorite semen-and-blood-smelling idol, Lady Gaga? OK, well, you can. For all of those fucking pointless hours you probably spend at work avoiding ex-boyfriends and stalking their new girlfriends on Facebook, your time can be better spent, guys.

While doing exactly that last night, I came across this new app for Facebook called ‘Baby Gaga Exclusive.’ The premise of the game is to act like a tabloid journalist in shelling out bucks for and hawking photos of Lady Gaga’s baby. Here’s how the game works:

You start as a rookie paparazzi who scored the scoop of a lifetime – exclusive pictures of newborn Baby Gaga. Naturally, your favorite blogs and magazines, including US HERE AT EVIL BEET GOSSIP, ha, are making offers for the photos, and it’s up to you to decide whether to take the cash and run or wait for a better offer.

The best thing about the game (other than the fact that it’s totally addicting – no joke, I spent at least an hour last night messing with it) is that it doesn’t have the ridick Facebook interruptions that are kind of the trademark of a lot of other Facebook game apps.

You can also check it out for free at Let us know what you think about it, and as always, share it with your friends!

4 CommentsLeave a comment

    • @evilbeetdouche why are all of you @$$holes always soooo negative she did not do one fu***** thing to you!!! if you have something negative to say make a haters page about it so we optimistic people dont have to deal with your negativity.. quit being so pessimistic! damn!

  • screw you @evilbeetdouche why are all of you @$$holes always soooo negative she did not do one fu***** thing to you!!! if you have something negative to say make a haters page about it so we optimistic people dont have to deal with your negativity.. quit being so pessimistic! damn!