Oh dude, Demi. You’re still not looking so good, girl. I know that this whole rehab thing must have been pretty rough on you, and you’re probably still working out a lot of the issues that have been troubling you for what was probably called, oh, FOREVER, but smile a bit, friend. You’re looking far too pale and wan to be out and about in public if you want people to think that you’re one of those happy, shiny, ‘REHAB WORKS!’ celebrities – or then again, maybe you don’t give a fuck and that’s the image that you want to project to everyone who’s totally going to ogle these pictures. If that’s the case, I totally respect it. Show these folks that healing and/or sobriety doesn’t happen overnight, and that it’s a constant battle that, sometimes, is just fucking harder some days more than others.
Eat your cheesecake, friend, and cheer up a bit. You’ve still got a lot left in you – I just know it.
Would you tell a black person they are looking too dark? Just sayin’.
the phrase “just sayin” is really played out you know. maybe you didnt get that memo.
also, a general whiteness sometimes occurs when one is, or has been sick and i think thats what sarah is talking about. your quip about telling a black person their too dark is just stupid, but funny stupid because i laughed out loud.
Aww damn I didn’t get that memo, sorry Dizzle, I was too busy having a life (maybe that’s played out too? I don’t know).
I knew what it might mean but I get told “you are too white” quite often and it fucks me off. Besides, I can’t ever imagine that being told to a black person. It was pointing out the sheer stupidity of it, and I am glad you picked it up too.
Would you tell a Spaniard they look too Mexican?
She looks great and healthy. Your’e a just another bitch that makes other women feel bad about themselves because they are not anorexic and tan. I’ve been reading your blog for years. You’re shit is getting nasty and it isn’t even funny any more. Just bitchy and nasty. This girl just got of rehab for real human being issues. Stop being such an asshole about girls that look JUST LIKE YOU AND ME.
Kate, you forgot to say, “just sayin'”.
I absolutely agree Kate. No wonder this site lost so much traffic and readers and is like a desert lately.
Just ridiculously and unnecessarily bitchy. Making Perez look good.
Bring Sasha back or fuck this website.
well i think she looks great…do you like judging people? coz you say alot of harsh things on here! grow up mun!