Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Blind Item: What Celebrity Kid is Tripping Balls?

Woo! It’s Blind Item time!

This one is from Star Magazine:

Which twentysomething daughter of a divorced Hollywood Couple ( both are now remarried) is experimenting with drugs? At a recent House party, we hear she ate quite a few hallucinogenic mushrooms- something she has been doing a lot lately!

First of all, yuck. Frequent mushroom use? Ugh. I’d kill myself.

Secondly, who else could this be beside one of Bruce and Demi’s girls? My guess would be Scout based on the fact that we really don’t know a whole lot about her… but the capitalization in the word “house” makes me wonder if it could be Rumer, who was in The House Bunny. I would think after spending her teen years in Hollywood that Rumer would be past doing something as lame as shrooms (I see her being the type to do straight up rails or absolutely nothing, ya know?), but maybe they’re having a comeback.

Or perhaps it’s not one of the Willis girls at all.

Leave your guesses in the comments, my gumshoes.

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