Today's Evil Beet Gossip

In Other News …

Bristol Palin is apparently getting quite the backlash for her Harper’s interview. [Betty Confidential]

This dude does not appear to be overly excited about seeing Mischa Barton crotch and frankly, I can’t blame him. [Celebslam]

Check out Kanye’s latest single. It supposedly doesn’t suck, but “they” could be biased. [popbytes]

Who is Kate Hudson banging these days? Maybe this guy. [Celebitchy]

Disney princesses are apparently the devil. [Zelda Lily]

Heidi Montag is really, really trying hard to be cast in the latest Transformers movie. Don’t bother, chick. They already have an over-abundance of spare silicone parts just from their robots. [Allie is Wired]

Madonna looks like a sinewy, fetid old vampire in her latest Dolce & Gabbana ads. [Amy Grindhouse]

5 years of bad Tyra Banks hair. Can the world handle more? [OMG Blog]

Lindsay Lohan plays the role of her life: Linda Lovelace. [Celebrity Smack Blog]

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