Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lady Gaga Gave Me What I Asked For (Kind Of)

Throughout most of Lady Gaga’s reign as the Pop Star Of The Moment, I have been all, “Can she just lose the drag queen schtick and the beats and just sing for a minute? Just so we can see if she’s a genuinely talented or a complete cartoon of a human being?”

Last night at the Vevo launch party, she kind of did that. Sure, she’s still dressed in something that anyone in their right mind would be embarrassed to be seen in (those raccoon eyes aren’t even remotely cute or interesting– she just looks unhinged), but her performance of “Speechless” was beautiful and strong.

Now we’ve just got to work on finding her a pair of jeans or something.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • If you want to know if she has talent, you have to close your eye when she performs. I’ve concluded that she has a decent voice and good song-writing ability, but her real strength, although it will be interesting to see how long the novelty of her freakish costumes lasts, is her showmanship.

  • Lady Gaga frequently plays piano and shows her talent during her shows. I’m not sure why a lot of people don’t think she is talented. I suppose her look is just distracting.

    • I agree.

      I don’t like her, I don’t enjoy reading about her, and she doesn’t deserve the praise she gets.

      If I want to read about Gaga, I’ll go to Perez.

  • Hey, I can’t explain it, I just love the heck outta her. Her appeal?
    Outlandish costumes, increasingly complex and advanced videos, a good voice that is only occasionally challenged, but that’s changing for the better too. Though I hate disco, she really makes the genre all her own and her songs are hopelessly catchy. She has taken Madonna’s mantle away and didn’t even slow down doing it. Good for her.

  • WTF! She is such a freak, but such an amazing singer! It’s just like Amy Winehouse; so talented, but so out of her mind. I always wonder why artists like this can’t just sing, because it WILL impress people. I also think this about Britney Spears, all of her songs are so synthesized and computerized. I guarantee she has a beautiful voice under all of that. Such a sad world we live in

  • What are you talking about?

    Gaga always does acoustics all the time, and does plenty of raw versions of her songs.

    you just dont take the time to stop recording yourself and watch them.

  • Jeans? There will be no jeans for this crazy ho! (and I mean that as a compliment). I don’t want to see her act like a normal human, or dress like one, ever again. Can you even imagine the sad day she “settles down” and has kids and starts wearing mom capris? TRAGEDY.

  • i LOVEE lady gaga, love love love her! she is amazingly talented and she has a great voice and plays the piano beautifully, and i agree with someone above that her showmanship gives her great appeal, but what i love most is that she doesn’t try to be “cute” she does her own thing and says fuck you to anyone who doesn’t like it and i love that about her.

    • You’re a retard with bad taste in music.

      She’s an attention-seeking newbie and a fad that will fade fast.

      People can only take “I”m weird, look at me!” for so long.

      • You’re quite right, nameless coward. People who like different things than you ARE retarded. It’s science.

  • seriously? she does this kind of performance all the time. but you even missed the american music awards? …and you keep getting paid to be consistently behind the times… now that’s crazy!

  • Lady Gaga’s art it comprized of every aspect of her lifestyle. Her interesting ensembles are a part of the performance. You don’t see lots of people walking arounding in outfits like Lady Gaga because she is couragous and unique. She’s not asking people to wear what she wears, she’s asking people to respect her choices and be themselves as they are inside. If the only way you see talent is through someone’s singing voice you are missing out on so much more.

  • lady gaga has TONS of talent and an incredible voice, that fact that you can’t accept her the way she is as someone who is DIFFERENT( gee what a concept) is just a manifestation of your density as a person.

    her voice is incredible. shes revolutionzing pop music as a genre and challenging other artists to have real talent to keep up w/ her. shes her own person. guess what? shes got 5 number ones in a row. shes laughing at you because shes successful, and is making her art and all you can think about is what she’s wearing. so looks like jokes on you.