Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Labor (Day) Pains

Looking for something to occupy your time this Labor Day weekend? If you’re one of those people who shuns sunshine and fresh air, you could stay inside all day watching episodes of Autotune the News (above) and  following Kevin Smith as he holds a 24 hour Labor Day Tweet-a-thon. The Clerks and Chasing Amy director says fans can ask him anything on  Monday and he’ll attempt to respond.

“I wanna see if I can do it. I’ve been training for this my whole life, simply by being a lazy fat-a** who’d rather stare at a screen than better himself with a brisk constitutional. Someone asked what my training regiment is gonna be, and I told them I’ve already stockpiled lots of Count Chocula.”

If Kevin Smith just isn’t your thing, perhaps you’d consider your time more well spent by watching WWE’s Monday night RAW… hosted by Bob Barker.

Barker, who was trained in martial arts by Chuck Norris and did his own fight scene in the Adam Sandler movie Happy Gilmore, steps into the ring for the first time. He has the power to shape WWE’s flagship television program, Monday Night RAW.

Or you could, you know, go out in the backyard, get dangerously drunk and cook some meat over some fire like a normal American. I know that’s what I plan to do.  How about you?

Enjoy your three day weekend, Americans! My heart goes out to all of you who have to work tomorrow. I know it’s small comfort, but you make life enjoyable and safe for the rest of us. Thank you!

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Is that was this website has degenerated into? Another website that posts shitty videos that usually are about as amusing and interesting as toenail fungus?

    I know a few of the “writers” on this website think that by posting these videos on their personal blogs they are actually being creative and funny and original.

    Sorry dears, you aren’t.

    • well said donkey. this blog is such bullshit especially on the weekends. beet since you’ve stopped writing i have found it hard to find anything worthwhile to read. get some new writers please!

  • I had to detwitter Kevin, he was clogging up my tweets.

    Ugh, nothing is happening – it’s not your fault everyone has od’s and their bodies won’t be found until tomorrow – this is always a dead weekend, even for regular news.