Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mischa Barton Blames Breakdown On Wisdom Teeth


Mischa Barton got out of the mental ward and on to the set of The Beautiful Life so quickly that homegirl hasn’t even taken a moment to shed some light on what’s going on in her life.  She spoke to Time Out New York about her hospitalization and explained that all the trouble she experienced lately was from a wisdom tooth removal gone bad. Apparently Mischa had to avoid “proper painkillers” because she was working. That was compounded by the fact that she had problems in other areas of her life, and she doesn’t really get in to specifics about that, “I was down in the dumps about everything there for a while. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom about things and have to get the most stressed out just to feel better again. I got completely stressed out and couldn’t handle everything, and now I feel really in control.”

Wisdom teeth, you say? Wouldn’t the removal of wisdom teeth keep you looking too chipmunk faced to work in the first place, thus leaving ample time for recovery? Yeah. I’ll file that one with “mercury poisoning” and “exhaustion” under the list of really lame celebrity excuses I don’t ever want to hear again. Oh, and if you did really just lose it there for awhile, you should own it. Having that kinda street cred would be the best thing to happen to your career since The OC.

27 CommentsLeave a comment

    • —————————————She is my favorite. Just saw her on milllionaire

      personals site “”””” M e e t i n g W e a l t h y . c o m”””””last week. I am wondering what kind

      of relationship she is looking for on that site.Is she single again now?——————

  • Actually, I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled because of a cavity, so there was no inflammation before, and after, the swelling was gone in about two days.

    She’s still a liar. I’m just sayin’. :)

  • yeah, i love the “exhaustion” excuse,too. i think i’ll call in to work “exhausted” tomorrow and see how that goes over.

  • I had all four of my wisdom teeth out at the same time and had no swelling at all, although I couldn’t turn my neck for about two weeks. it didn’t make me act crazy though, so who knows.

  • If anyone were to go through Mischa’s interviews from the last few years (available at any Mischa worshipping website) and the paparazzi pictures and sightings of her, you’ll see how often she contradicts herself. She claims that she doesn’t do this, doesn’t indulge in that, but there’s photo proof and sightings that she does.

    I do believe the words delusional and hypocrite best describe this girl.

  • Okay, she couldn’t take tylenol 3’s because of work? Then she ended up in a mental hospital on a psychiatric hold, nearly getting her fired? She was stressed?

    This is why people think she’s an idiot, if you are going to lie, at least make some sense out of your story. She may be an idiot but I’m not.

  • Well at least this excuse is more elaborate than her “I accidentally mixed alcohol and antibiotics because I had bronchitis” excuse when she was hospitalized after getting “sick” at Nicole Richie’s party.

    Or when she was arrested for drunk driving – “I come from New York, the land of people who don’t drive”( even though she had been photographed driving without a license for months before that).

    And my personal favorite- “That’s not really cellulite. It’s been photoshopped.”

    Somebody should start compiling Mischa’s list of excuses because it looks like she’s going to come up with a couple more in the future.

  • those frickin’, fuckin’ ugly ass legs! each one looks like it weighs 75 lbs. are those oprah’s legs? the poor guy with the slipper is going to go on workman’s comp for back injury just for supporting one! crikey!

  • Well, actually, I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out a few years back and it was only swollen for a couple of days. And I had to take Vicoden. So she might be telling the truth here.

    • No Way! I had my wisdom teeth out too and took vicoden. But the fact of the matter is she contradicts her story which means shes lying. If she OD’d on the meds due to her teeth removal then ok it was an accident however, she then says “AND everything was just going downhill and I was overwhelmed and blah blah blah” ….all things that would make you take pain killers to kill the MENTAL pain. Catch my drift? Stick to one thing or the other. Not both.

  • You know, she might be a liar, but I don’t see anything wrong with those legs. They look perfectly fine to me, what’s more, I wish mine were as long and toned as hers. Maybe her ankles aren’t the slenderest ones, but, really, stop the hating – people saying she has fat legs is as bad as skinny models on the catwalk.

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  • Embeded wisdom tooth in the jawbone will give you the pain of hell..

    Wisdom teeth present potential problems when they are misaligned – they can position themselves horizontally, be angled toward or away from the second molars or be angled inward or outward. Poor alignment of wisdom teeth can crowd or damage adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves. Wisdom teeth that lean toward the second molars make those teeth more vulnerable to decay by entrapping plaque and debris. In addition, wisdom teeth can be entrapped completely within the soft tissue and/or the jawbone or only partially break through or erupt through the gum. Teeth that remain partially or completely entrapped within the soft tissue and /or the jawbone are termed “impacted.” Wisdom teeth that only partially erupt allows for an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, which results in pain, swelling, jaw stiffness, and general illness. Partially erupted teeth are also more prone to tooth decay and gum disease because their hard-to-reach location and awkward positioning makes brushing and flossing difficult.
    A wisdom tooth that is fully erupted through the gum can be extracted as easily as any other tooth. However, a wisdom tooth that is underneath the gums and embedded in the jawbone will require an incision into the gums and then removal of the portion of bone that lies over the tooth. Oftentimes, for a tooth in this situation, the tooth will be extracted in small sections rather than removed in one piece to minimize the amount of bone that needs to be removed to get the tooth out.
    During the first 24 hours

    Bleeding may occur for several hours after tooth extraction. To control it, position a piece of clean moist gauze over the empty tooth socket and bite down firmly. Apply constant pressure for about 45 minutes. A moistened tea bag is an effective alternative. The tannic acid in tea helps healing blood clots to form (blood clots function similarly to scab over an open wound). Repeat this process if a small degree of bleeding continues; if heavy bleeding continues to occur, contact your dentist or oral surgeon. Avoid rinsing or spitting for 24 hours after tooth extraction, avoid “sucking” actions (for example, don’t drink beverages through straws or smoke) and avoid hot liquids (such as coffee or soup). These activities can dislodge the clot, causing a dry socket (see below) to develop.
    Facial swelling in the area where the tooth was extracted typically occurs. To minimize swelling, place a piece of ice, wrapped in a cloth, on that area of your face on a schedule of 10-minutes on, followed by 20-minutes off. Repeat as necessary during this first 24-hour period.
    Pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) can be taken for minor pain. Your dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe more potent pain relievers, such as narcotics, if necessary.
    Antibiotics that may have been prescribed prior to tooth extraction (to treat any active infection around the wisdom tooth to be extracted) should continue to be taken until the full prescription is gone.
    Foods should be restricted to a liquid diet until all the numbness from anesthesia has worn off. Eat soft foods for a few days. Also avoid alcohol if you’re also taking narcotic pain medication.
    Continue to brush your teeth, but avoid the teeth directly neighboring the extracted tooth during the first 24 hours. On day two, resume the gentle brushing of your teeth. Do not use commercial mouth rinses — these can irritate the extraction site.

  • I’ve had the worst experience with my first wisdom tooth extraction! It got infected and the swelling didn’t go down completely until well over a month after! TRUST ME: it’s much easier and better to work while high on Tylenol 3 than the pain the extraction brings! So there is NO WAY IN HELL she would rather withstand that excruciating pain (if it was as bad as she says) than take painkillers. It completely numbs you! I’m shivering just thinking back…

  • I cried for 2 days after my wisdom teeth were pulled. I was fully awake and could hear the teeth ripping from the root, like a tree ripping from the ground. My face swelled up and didn’t go down for at least 2 weeks. I felt like a hideous Quasimodo monster. And that was with no infections/complications…and I was taking pain killers.

  • Where are all the updates? It’s noon, I’m at work and I’m bored. Come on Beet, wake-up!!!

  • You know the 2 girls in the background are either thinking ‘wow, look at those tree trunk ankles’ or ‘wow, I wish that was ME the cute dude is helping with my shoes’!

  • If you ice right away it cuts the swelling. Why was she having her teeth out now? That part doesn’t make sense to me. Oh, and how a woman with a size small top could have a size 12 bottom and be an actress.