Today's Evil Beet Gossip

MJ Still Not Buried


Michael Jackson passed away nearly two months ago and the details of his death are still up in the air. Although the autopsy has been completed and the funeral services were held, Jackson has still not been buried. Why? Well, supposedly no one can agree on the best resting place. The temporary solution? The King of Pop is sitting in a freezer at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills Cemetery. More like the King of Popsicles, eh? (Woof. Bad joke. Couldn’t resist.)

While mom Katherine seems to wants her son to be buried at Forest Lawn, his brother Jermaine would like to see him buried at Neverland. The rest of the family seems to think this is inappropriate, as Jackson hated being at his famous ranch after the molestation trial.

You wanna know what I think is inappropriate? Keeping a legend and icon in a freezer for over a month. That could just be me, though.

22 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i’m really hoping that he finally rest in peace and people and the media stop being so mean to him. he was a human after all

  • What, he had no will? No exact instructions that clearly stated his final wishes? Maybe MJ only took the time to scrawl “Don’t let Dad sell tickets to view my body” and hoped that would be enough.

  • Honestly I thought the guy was a repellent molester, but even I think he should be buried, Jesus. Why aren’t the executors of his estate stepping in? Ultimately MJ selected people to make decisions and follow through on his wishes, which I assume must have been, please make sure I am not a jesus juice popsicle for an extended period of time. At some point they have to realize what the rest of the world knows, which is you bury a loved one – if he’s buried at Neverland, which is in the middle of nowhere we can expect to see his body parts showing up on ebay a week later. He needs to be at a grave yard, with a yanno grave that is secure like anyone else who has died.

    The family needs to be cut out of this decision and his brother’s are just weirdos who have never done anything as adults that would lead anyone to think they can make decent decisions – just read up on them. I blame the executors for not putting their foot, and common sense down.

  • Icon or not – keeping him from his final resting place over something as trivial as a location is pathetic. Funerals, Memorial Services and gravesites are for the LIVING – not the dead. Perhaps Jermaine thinks his share of Neverland – once it is sold – will be more valuable with MJ’s remains therel Sad, considering his Mother just wants a respectable gravesite where she can visit a son she never should have out lived.

    • James Brown was buried in a temporary site. They’re still working on a permanent one, and it’s been almost three years.

    • americans are so stupid.michael jackson was one of the best thing that your country gave to the world and i’m feel so sorry that you can’t aprecciate that.
      but of course, i forgot that this site is dedicate to the ” music” of the jonas brothers or all the disney shit

      • Elizabeth I do not know where your from, but judging by your moronic comment I would guess from somewhere in Europe.
        The “best” thing AMERICA has given Europe are the lives of over 400,000 of our men and women soldiers, and incalculable amounts of money and resources. Some appreciate that fact and some obviously do not. What part of Europe are you from? The part whose ass we saved or the part whose ass we kicked? Comment on sites on your own side of the pond would you? There is a reason our forefathers hauled ass over approx. 4,000 miles of ocean. Haven’t guessed? Then look in a fucking mirror and say something. You’ll have your answer.

  • What in the world are they waiting for?? Maybe they think if hes stays unburied, they will get more money from his stuff on ebay, if they bury him, people will start to forget!!!

  • Someone has to come up with some big bucks to film the private, secret.. nobody knows where burial and give them a share of the exclusive video profits first, while the family acts enraged and greatly shocked but can do nothing about it? Why the hell is Katherine caring what loser Jermaine thinks? She is the mother of Michael and Jermaine and reportedly a christian woman, keeper of the kids and cash allowance.. So mom, fear not, stand up and slap Jermy down .. then get those gravemen busy digging.

  • He needs to be set free. Cremate him and cast him into the ocean. No memorials, no more fuss. Let him go.