Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Statue of Angelina Jolie Breastfeeding Hits Oklahoma City

Daniel Edwards, the artist responsible for the birthing Britney and Octomom statues is about to unveil his latest and slightly perverted-feeling piece in Oklahoma City. This piece, Landmark for Breastfeeding, features Jolie nursing her twin babies and was made to celebrate “family and home” according to the artist.

In the video above, Edward explains how his newest creation came to be.

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  • I have a question: Is this the same guy who did the Britney statue? And if so then what is his obsession with women and birth and breast feeding? It’s a little odd.

  • Made to “celebrate” “family and home”? I would sure as fuck be celebrating if anyone in my family looked like Angelina Jolie and I would be passed out in her arms from an “excessive euphoria” induced coma if she shoved a milk dripping, swollen breast in my face! LORD HAVE MERCY!