Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Video Evidence That I Have The Emotional Maturity of a 13-Year-Old

Seriously, for whatever reason, Tiger Woods farting on live television amuses me.  It could be because Woods always appears uptight and sans sense of humor.  Or it could be because I’m completely immature.  I’m thinking option two.

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  • I thought this was funny too, and sent it to my husband earlier today. But for the record, I don’t think Tiger is uptight and humorless at all! He is just dignified and aware that he’s always being filmed. My hubby told me that when he screws up in golf he readily drops some f-bombs and other foul language and had to be talked to about not using profanity. Now keep in mind, any – probably most – professional golfers that mess up a shot will drop an F-bomb, but because Tiger is ALWAYS on film, HE can’t curse … kind of crappy for him. Anyway, my perception of Tiger is that he’s just a really nice guy and has maintained his character despite the fame and wealth he’s earned. Let’s give him credit for THAT!!

  • OK, that was actually adorable.

    Like, what do you do? Swing a bad game because you have this interminable gaseous pressure building between your cheeks? Let ‘er rip, Tiger!

    Tee hee.