Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Best Picture Nominees Expanded To 10


The Academy Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced today that they are expanding the Best Picture category to ten nominees.

What does this mean?  Well, it means more genres of films such as animated, science fiction and — gasp! — comedy will have a shot at winning the Best Pic.  Though it would seem weird for The Hangover to win the top prize of the night, it’s now a possibility.

I did a little research today, to see what movie greats were never nominated, probably due to the restriction of only five available slots.  Rear Window, The Magnificent Seven, and The African Queen are just a few classics that were overlooked.

Do I sense a Paul Blart:  Mall Cop nomination on the horizon?

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I don’t see the point. How would it make a comedy more likely to win. Its still the same people voting the only difference is surely more names will get read out and directors actors producers etc. will get an ego boost from saying they’ve been in an Oscar nominated film

    • agreed. if 3 are nominated, those are the top 3. if 10 are nominated, they are the top 3 plus 7 other ones that were just pulled out.

  • It’s just a marketing issue that I’m sure many studios sought!

    The way I see it, even a “Academy Award Nominee” badge is going to draw audiences to watch/rent/buy films up to a point, so doubling the nominees means more movies will be benefited economically.

    • I understand that, but I can definitely see it watering down the value of being nominated. I’ve heard that in the average year, there are about 500 movies released in all different genres. Obviously, only around 75 of them will be released to theaters or gain national exposure (that is a figure I’m pulling out of my ass, but I looked up theater release schedules and independent film stats as well). So when 10 of around 75 nationally known movies are nominated for best picture, it kind of doesn’t really matter anymore.

  • This probably makes me worth less as a human being, but I loved the hell out of Paul Blart: Mall Cop.