Today's Evil Beet Gossip

E! Online Takes a Cue from Evil Beet


Hey, you guys, remember back almost a year ago when I banned The Couple Who Shall Not Be Named from coverage on this blog?

Now E! is thinking about doing the same — but they’re putting it to a vote.

Go here and CLICK YES! We all must work together to get these obnoxious, horrible famewhores out of our lives forever.

36 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I voted. I hate them!
    This is what the page said after I voted
    “Due to an overwhelming response, it may not appear that your vote has been acknowledged, but we assure you that it has been counted.”

      • I think Kevin displays everything C.U.N.T. stands for:

        Nerve and

        (Bonus points if anyone knows what that is from!)

        Sarah does not. Go trolling somewhere else already!

      • That’s not Evil Beet. First, if it were Evil Beet it would be registered (i.e. with a picture), to prevent things like this happening. Second, Beet always posts as Sasha. Also, she campaigned for Obama in this blog. And, last but not least, I’m still to see an American saying “cunt”, and much less Sasha in her blog to her readers. If there’s something she’s a pro at is insulting someone without using an actual insult.

      • I’m an American and I say cunt. So do most of my friends, it isn’t exclusively British you know.

      • You are fucking retarded and you arent even British.
        Now get your god damn emo bangs out of your cunt face and and shut your mouth you little twirp.

    • Haha! For the record, I wasn’t trying to insult you on Zelda Lily when I compared the situation to Sarah Palin/David Letterman. It was a situational thing, not a personal comparison.
      I would never say something that horrible to you!

  • How funny. I had to type in a word to verify my vote, and the word was “poison.” Totally appropes.

  • Can we do this for Paris Hilton also? She is just as useless and I could care less about her latest boy toy.

  • “We’re referring, of course, to Spencer and Heidi Pratt, the reality show retreads who will go to any length…”

    Did they use the word “retreads” because it looks like “retards?” I’m thinking yes.

  • Since they are not showing the poll in a graph form it’s like the election in Iran, e! can say whatever they want the outcome to be – that’s just hokey. We should riot.

    On another note, is anyone pissed they didn’t die of swine flu?

  • problem is, now we’ve been discussing speidi for how long? this site totally still covers them, even if only to say they suck. just sayin.

  • I’m in Oz but I can’t vote! Completely devo – so wish something in the jungle had got them!

  • i voted and laughed my ass off at the photos of those two idiots on the beach with their swine flu masks on – beautiful! by the way, i thought only grandpas wore shorts with a belt to the beach.