Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Plugging Shit My Friends Do: Mind Over Matter Race


I plug this every year, and I’ll continue to plug it every year, because it’s tremendously important and it’s a cause close to my heart.

In 2005, my close friend Trisha lost her mother to suicide after a long struggle with schizophrenia. Every year since then, she and her siblings have hosted a 5K charity run/walk to raise awareness and research funds for this prevalent and stigmatized illness. I never had the opportunity to meet Trisha’s mom, but I’ve known her and her siblings for a long time now, and I can tell you without a doubt that this was a phenomenal woman who dedicated herself to raising a phenomenal family and being a true friend to her children and the people in her life. The world is a great deal darker for her absence.

Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in America. Among teenagers and young adults ages 15-24, suicide is the third leading cause of death. Of deaths from suicide, over 90% are attributed to mental health conditions such as depression, bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. Mental illness touches all our lives in one way or another, and the more we can raise awareness and lessen the stigma surrounding it, the better chance we give people battling these illnesses at living long and fulfilling lives.

This year’s race takes place next Saturday, May 2. You can learn more about the race here, you can make a donation here, and you can check out a beautiful tribute to Gail Boledovich here.

If you live in the Michigan area, you can sign up to run or walk the race here.

Because of this crappy-ass economy, the M.O.M. race is seeing fewer registrations and donations than they have in years past. If you can make a donation — even a small one! — go for it! You’ll feel good about yourself for a long time afterward, I promise! And you’ll feel even better about yourself if you manage to spend a Saturday walking or running 3.1 miles! Get out there and get involved!!

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • There’s also Out of the Darkness Overnight in Chicago if any readers are in this area. I’ve been doing it for two yeas now. It’s awesome, and you get to meet all kinds of people from all walks of life.

    • Hi Melissa! I’m the Recruitment, Outreach, and Volunteer coordinator for the Overnight Walk in Chicago. High five for participating! We had a training walk this Saturday and it was wonderful meeting walkers who will be participating. Perhaps I will meet you at the walk!

  • As someone who has been through years of depression, several prescriptions, and hospital stays I just want to say thank you!
    Sometimes living a life of seeing through blue tinted glasses is very difficult, and a lot of people don’t understand that this is not my choice, I can’t help it, and a pill isn’t a magic cure.
    We need support and understanding too, and so do our family members, they as well are very deeply affected by this. Sometimes the behaviour of someone with BPD *my latest diagnoses* can be very stressfull to everyone around them.
    Thank You for supporting and understanding me and the millions of other people out there who also are suffering and living through a mental illness.

  • thanks for sharing. sounds like your friend’s mum did a really great job raising her children, despite her struggles with mental illness!