Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Drew Barrymore Knows a Lot of Big Words

Here’s a little clip from Drewsky’s interview with Letterman last night, in support of her new flick, Grey Gardens.

Drew, sweetie, normally we say “non-linear,” but that’s cool. You can make up words. You love film.

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Ugh. I really get so disappointed when I see instances where celebs I THOUGHT would be nice are acting like pretentious snobs. I just saw Tyra Banks yesterday….there’s another example for ya…

      • Well, I didn’t really expect her to be genuinely nice, but I thought she’d at least be “fake nice.” You know, put on the face of giving a crap about “regular people,” even though it’s such a weak facade. Didn’t even get that much though! lol

      • my brother worked on the runway set for a show she was in in nyc, and he said she was the most stuck-up, stupid woman that he has ever met, and that heidi klum was genuinely friendly and interesting.

  • I think that Drew completed Rehab, but not High School. That said, she’s made a good living for herself..

    • that’s puttin it mildly heh

      She sucked! Dave was kinda lettin her hang. she was fawning and feigning and fractitious and barfy. oh! ha and the clip they showed of her movie was soo wack eegads!

  • I agree…..hanging around hollyweird you can pick up 50.00 words and sling them around…but, this was laid back late nite tv…not a morning show on CNN –

  • she really did lose weight… I always liked drew barrymore but this is stupid lol.. I have never seen her look and act so ridiculous before- it seems like in the past she was much more laid-back i mean srsly, WTF is she wearing?

    I got my US weekly this week (dont know why I get it actually- they just started sending it to me… I find it a waste of paper) and there was a huge ad for this stupid movie that went over the cover and everything. They tried to make it look like the actual magazine cover. You know a movie is going to suck when there are hundreds of ads for it everywhere.

    • omg – they started sending me copies of us weekly as well! it just started arriving about two months ago – i figured it would be one of those four week and over situations, but i looked at my label and see i’m scheduled to get it until next year. horrible!

      and yeah – that extra cover was very, very ugly – it made me less likely to watch the program if anything.

      • OMFG I got it too!!!!!!! Try being drunk and trying to figure out wht u can’t put the last page of the magazine back where it goes….UGH it was fuckin horrible lol

  • Think about it? The people who make up or use big words are the biggest idiots out there. Case in point; Ashley Judd, Barrymore, Julia Roberts etc they are very stupid and pretentious and think they are brilliant.

    The world knows, at least the smart ones, that most actresses are just plain dumb!!

  • She didn’t say anything that a hlf-way intelligent adult in 2009 couldn’t understand.
    We get it now that you don’t like Drew, Beet.
    She has always seemed like a nice person to me and that hasn’t changed.

    • I mean, her facial expressions and attitude were slightly over the top but it’s no big deal.
      I personally think she feels a little insecure now that she might direct some movies (Twilight) and she wants to go “seasoned director” on us.

  • I’ve disliked Drew Barrymore for a long time. She’s always struck me as a shallow bitch, and a little too infatuated with herself as well.