Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Chris Brown Trial About to Start!

Chris has left his lawyer’s office and is on his way to the courtroom.

The trial starts in mere minutes!

While you wait for the results, I’d like to point out that CNN has the most detailed account I’ve read of the gruesome details from a detective report. (You can check out the PDF for yourself here if you want to see it for yourself.)

“Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown’s cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with.

“A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against the passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion.

“Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.’s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle.

“Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, ‘I’m going to beat the s–t out of you when we get home! You wait and see!’ ”

The detective said she then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant … who did not answer.

“Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, ‘I’m on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.’

“After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, ‘You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I’m really going to kill you!’

“Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown.

“Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand.

“Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street.

“Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand.

“Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle … and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it.

“Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.’s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness.

“She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown’s body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions.

“Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.’s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.”

At the end of his statement, Andrews said Brown sent her text message apologizing nine days later.

“In the text message, Brown apologized for what he had done to Robyn F. and advised [the second personal assistant] that he was going to get help.”


If the courts can make an example out of Paris Hilton for driving while on probation, they sure as FUCK better make an example of this little fucker.

Thanks Katie!

64 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i hope he gets as much jail time as they can throw at him. at least that will keep rihanna away from him since she can’t seem to do it herself.

  • There are no words….how angry could he have been to go off like that? It is obviously worse than anyone could have imagined. He tried to push her out of a fucking moving vehicle!!! But compounded by the fact that they’re back together it just turns my stomach. I just read that her dad said he can’t reach her she changed her # and email. It’s just so sad. Where is her mother in all of this? Just goes to show you never know what is really going on with people. My friend was saying though that you could tell that something changed. When she first came out (Pon the Replay circa 05) she was all bubbly and sunny and after they started dating she stopped giving interviews and smiling and just like a whole shift of personality. In the report I remember reading that she told the police that he had been violent before and it had been escalating. He even threats to beat her some more when they get home!!! JESUS smh

  • He’s very sick. Mentally ill. A jail vacay is mandatory as his behavior WILL continue to escalate. Rhianna needs therapy long term to break herself of whatever it is that caused her, and countless women, to partake in a destructive relationship.

    • She had no business givin him dat shit she got what she deserve that’s good for her balled headed bitch

      • I mean she was wrong for going through his phone but what he did she didn’t deserve and let him try that on another male.

  • It’s more like an arraignment (formal reading of a criminal complaint in the presence of the defendant to inform him of the charges against him), and not a trial. I doubt it will make it to trial seeing as though he is a first time offender with no criminal past, and the alleged victim took him back not even 1 month after the altercation. Plus his defense attorney is dawn good, all that aside though he needs to be reprimanded in some way for this I mean seriously you don’t punch and bite, and slam someone’s face into a car window and get off with a pat on the wrist!!

  • I just can’t imagine how scary it must have been while it was happening. That made it all too real. I really wish she had used her head and not gone back to him. “Once a beater, always a beater.”

  • I hope he goes to jail and I hope Rihanna realizes she doesn’t need to be treated like this.

    @popsis the car was stopped when he tried to throw her out of it.

  • SO going to jail- there is no way any judge or jury could find him not guilty!

    Seriously, what can he say in his defense? Really?

    He’s finished. I will be so glad to see him go.

  • he is absolutly discusting and reading that made me feel physically ill. if he doesnt do time the shit will hit the fan

    • I know, so did I. It got my heart racing and made my face hot with astonishment and anger. She’s being mentally controlled and abused, too, though, people need to realise she’s under a kind of deadly spell from him. Oh it makes me so fuckin furious, how I loathe that guy so much!

  • Holy crap that is awful. Reading that just made it all so real. I hope he gets some sort of punishment for this.

  • My heart goes out to Rihanna. Not only for what happened, but for her having to live this out with the world watching. She had to have been in a bad place emotionally for things to even get to this level, and I just can’t imagine what she’s going through now. Hopefully, she’ll get whatever help she needs to overcome this and move on, without Chris. And to those people saying we don’t know what happened, I don’t care what happened anymore. If Chris was not in a situation where he was fighting for his life, he had no business unleashing that kind or rage on her. I hope this is handled properly by the justice system.

  • This… just made me feel such RAGE. Such pure, undiluted RAGE. I cannot even fathom how Rihanna could even consider taking this piece of garbage back.

    Doesn’t she realize that no matter WHAT happens with their ‘relationship’, nothing can ever go back to whatever it happened to be prior to this incident? Doesn’t she realize, that not only will this MOST LIKELY happen again, she’ll have it hanging over her head for the rest of her life? To always envision herself as the weak person that she is proving herself and proving the rest of the world that she is?

    I’m sorry.

    This is just disgusting.

    But it’s on HER now. And if she doesn’t have the intellect to get the hell away from this situation, she’s only making things worse for herself down the road. And I have NO PITY for that.

  • That is so horrific it made me tear up. I really up he gets punished for this too. Severely.

  • How beautiful, talented and sucessful does a woman have to be before she has the confidence to get out a relationship like this?

    What a horrible man, I can’t understand what would make someone want to do this to another human being. I can’t even squash a spider.



  • Had anyone else seen the article that stated that there was a second vehicle at the scene.

    As in, Chris B. had his buddies/security following him that night in a SUV… and he hopped into that vehicle and left the scene after he gave Rihanna that epic beating?

    I have wanted to know if it was true… that his friends knew what had just happen and left her bloody sitting on the side of the road.

    I am holding out hope that Rihanna is not back with him. But holed up waiting to testify against him. If Chris had really convinced her to still see him…. his PR would have made a point of getting them photograph together. Just to undermine her creditability.

  • A lot of people have thrown around the words ‘intellect’ and ‘intelligence’ in relation to Rihanna’s reuniting with Chris.

    It is really not an intelligence issue.

    What is hard for people to understand sometimes is that for every cut, every bruise, ever BITE for goodness sake there is a bigger and harder and longer lasting blow to the self-esteeem that makes women choose their abusive partner over their parents, friends, commonsense.

    A beaten woman can have Battered Woman Syndrome, which is a an appropriate defence for murder in some countries, even if used against someone who is NOT the man who was the abuser. It is a defence that allows that a woman who has been battered is not capable of controling themselves, that they are not fully responsible for their own actions.

    Money, fame, intelligence, bodyguards, none of this is in Rihanna’s head. She is not fully responsible for her actions, which include taking Chris back – and possibly because he has threatened her with worse if she doesn’t.

    • Love your post is hysterical.

      She is not fully responsible for her actions lmao. That’s right women are so fragile mentally that their decisions can’t be accepted for what they are.

      Setting feminism back 100 years. So much for equality when it suits you right?

      • A woman with battered syndrome is not legally responsible for some of their actions. Thats not my doing – its a legal defence!

        Its similar to post traumatic stress disorder. Sufferers also have a legal defence for not having full responsibility.

        Men also can suffer from BWS but its called something else, I think. Its not a feminist issue, its an issue of abuse.

        I understand that you are having trouble differentiating between a ‘beaten woman’ and a ‘woman’ in my post, but if you read it again with a dictionary for the big words, you may find I am not generalising.

    • Hi, Heatherly.

      I’m sorry, but despite how well-written your post was, I’m going to have to disagree.

      I was one of the chosen few who threw around the word ‘intellect’ and I stand by it.

      I was in a relationship many, many moons ago where the shitstick that I was with was VERY emotionally and mentally abusive, and it (once) turned physical. At the very end.

      Being the rather intelligent person that I am, despite the fact that he was abusing me all along with horribly harsh words and general neglect and reprehensible actions, I KNEW in my heart AND in my mind (despite the fact that it might have been buried beneath three invested years of ‘togetherness’) that he was NOT the one for me and that if I didn’t get out of this relationship, well, one of us would have eventually ended up severely damaging the other, in what way, well, God only knows.

      He was an awful, awful person and I – well, I am not. I was strong enough and intelligent enough to pull myself away from him before the going got to the point of where Rihanna and Chris have most recently visited on their journey together.

      I understand that there’s a lot more involved than intelligence and intellect; but being at the receiving end of it (albeit, not as bad as what Rihanna has gone through, thankfully), there has to be an end one way or another.

      I have to agree with Donkey’s comment about her not being responsible for her actions; if she’s not up for taking the accountability on her own actions, then the poor girl is seriously more disturbed than we originally thought. And yes, that really does set back feminism one hundred years to blame mental and emotional distress for unwise actions. Yeah, I’ve heard of PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt and all of those other lovely emotional disorders, but putting up with abuse is DIFFERENT, I am sorry.

      And this is just my opinion. This is how things had/have affected me. Not everyone is going to be the same and handle things alike, but this is what makes living so interesting and diverse.

      Emotionally fragile women are beaten to submission, for lack of a better term. They are made to feel that they are inferior and beneath their abuser. But any intelligent woman who’s got a relatively decent grasp on reality knows how untrue this is. Even if it IS way, deep down.

      Despite love and guilt and whatever other emotions go along with abuse of any kind, the abused ALWAYS tell themselves on a daily basis, ‘This is NOT the way things are supposed to be’.

      That, to me, is a sign of intelligence. And where there is intelligence, there’s strength. And where there’s strength, there’s retribution.

      • …and just quickly….

        I am not in any way depreciating your experience, I would never do that. I think it is wonderful that you DID get away.

        However I stand by my statement that intelligence and intellect do not NECESSARILY help victims of abuse.

        (I did amend it a little!)

        When I was being abused I was terrified. Subject to violent beatings, fractured bones, broken noses, cracked ribs, fear that my parents would find out and be hurt, not to mention complete humiliation and no self esteem whatsoever, all I could think about was how to survive. Getting out was not an option – survivng each day was.

        We did not live together. He would call me and tell me i had ten minutes to be at his house. If my door was locked he broke in. I was terrified that any friends would find out and judge him, and take away the only person ‘who loved me enough to fix my problems’. As the situation escalated he made the mistake of beating up my best friend who was not ‘in love’ with him, and eventually my three years of terror were over.

        My terror was managed so well by my abuser that at no point did I think he was in the wrong, I felt that society would misjudge him. And as I was getting top of the class grades at the same time in my Journalism degree, I was hardly unintelligent. It wasn’t until after much therapy and studying domestic violence issues in my Law degree, and then later practicing as a legal aid lawyer that I realised the extent of the damage to me was not that i got physically hurt, but that I never questioned it. And I learned that I was not alone, not by a long shot – work in legal aid and you see every race, every class, every type of woman battered and bruised. Some fight it, yes, but many do not, they love him and they resent the courts interference. And some of these women end up dead. And some kill their abuser. And I do not believe that they can be held accountable for not leaving, when they only are trying to survive.

      • I agree with most of what you said – And I give you a lot of credit for going through what you’ve gone through. It’s a sad, sad thing that domestic abuse (whether mental or physical) is such a common thing and that makes me hate these abusers even more.

        Rihanna, of course, could not be held accountable for going through what she did, other than trying to be stronger. She should have. Tried, at least. And who’s to say she didn’t; we don’t know the back story.

        But after things got so public, at this point being the way they are, she is the only one I can and will hold accountable for what may come to her in the future.

        I understand where you were coming from when you said that you didn’t want your family or friends to know what this monster was actually doing to you, because I’ve been there, too.

        But the fact still remains that she took that step forward to notify the proper authorities and to bring her family, friends and support people in on this and this isn’t something she can back away from, now. (Which, it unfortunately appears that she is.)

        Once she brought those particular people into her own, private situation, she opened the door to help and to recovery. But if she backs down on this, I’m sorry to say, she looked a gift-horse in the mouth. Big time.

      • Regardless, I think we both hope that she DOES get out of it – I hope she doesnt become another statistic.

        The fact that she has now changed her contact details is scarey stuff.

        And I hope that somewhere perhaps reading our debate has helped someone who is suffering or has suffered from abuse.

        nice debatin’ with ya! :)

  • Reading the segments about her reactions, i.e. locking her fingers behind her head and putting her elbows forward to protect her face, bending over to put her head in her lap and protect her face and neck, makes it clear that this was not the first time. She knows what positions to assume in order to try to prevent marks on her face, neck and arms. She’s been here before. Sad. And this isn’t the first time he’s beaten a woman before, either. That is some serious violence and I’m sure he’s had plenty of practice to get to the point where he can operate a car AND beat his girlfriend without missing a turn signal.

    Calling him a douchebag is an insult to douchebags.

    • That’s horrible and a good point. I hadn’t thought of that–that she was protecting herself like that because she’s been through it before.

      Get the fuck out, Rihanna, stop being a pathetic punching bag.

  • Oh my God. I knew he hit her but I didn’t realize it was that bad.

    And now he’s pulling the classic “alienate her from her friends and family” move. He’s going to do it again. If he beat her that badly, imagine what he’s capable of.

    And is that true? His “friends” followed behind. Regardless of the fact he’s making your car payments, you step up and do what’s right. Can any man here imagine standing back and knowing your male friend was beating up a woman?

  • Should add, I guess his “friends” can no longer come out and say “no one really knows what happened in that car” because now we do. Defend him now, motherfuckers.

  • OH MY LORD. I sincerely hope that someone is able to get through to her and keep her safe from this piece of garbage, and the courts had better do their job in this case too. Seriously, if I hear one more celebrity trying to defend this scumbag, I’m going to flip my shit.

    I feel so sorry for that poor girl- we’re about the same age, and I would hope that if I had gotten into an abusive relationship, my true friends would do everything they could to help me get out.

  • Dude, I was already appalled by all this, but now… horrified. The biting? That’s so beyond twisted. What kind of a monster gets that kind of rage going?

  • HE was the one who was cheating on her and then SHE gets beaten up??

    that’s just crazy bullshit there..
    I used to look up to Chris Brown!

  • Omg. That is horrible. Like everyone said, it makes it so much more real. He better go to jail for a long time. OHH, i’m so angry at him.

  • Wow, all of that and he apologizes nine days later! NINE DAYS! seems like he apologized because he started to see what could happen to him if he is found guilty. I hope he goes to jail for the longest time possible, then he needs probation. Rhianna has no self-esteem anyway because she wants him back!

  • I absolutely have no tolerance for men who abuse women so I don’t want to give anyone that impression, however, some things just don’t make sense to me…
    She reads the text and they start to fight. He attempts to push her out of the vehicle (which was NOT moving- as someone tried saying above). I could see her not getting out at the point they start arguing for sake of wanting to know what the hell was going on with the chick and the text. But then, he shoves her head into the window – and instead of getting out THEN, she turns TOWARDS him and he punches her in the face. And instead of getting out THEN, she stays in the car at which point he drives away and the abuse continues. She had 2 moments of opportunity to contact help (911 HELLO??) but instead she FAKES a first call to an assistant and attempts a text to another assistant the second time even though at that point he told her that he was going to kill her?? The vehicle comes to an eventual stop after a horrible tyrade of abuse and instead of getting the hell out of there THEN, she thinks clearly enough to turn the car off and remove the keys from the ignition and SIT ON THEM? What the hell did she think was going to happen then???
    Honestly, what he did was wrong and I get that and he should be locked up, but women also need to start being smarter. And after all of this, she’s back with him??? Now, not saying she instigated or was ‘asking for this’; nothing she could’ve ever done would justify his actions, but there’s an awful lot of making Rhianna out to be this victim and a victim of domestic abuse, yes, she is, however, there comes a point when as adults we need to take a little responsibility for ourselves. You can’t put youself in a bad situation and then act surprised when the shit hits the just doesn’t make sense to me. If a man starts hitting me I’m getting the hell out of there- not playing hide-and-go-seek with his car keys. I think they both need help. I think they both need counseling and I think the last thing either of them need is to be together..

  • I absolutely have no tolerance for men who abuse women so I don’t want to give anyone that impression, however, some things just don’t make sense to me…
    She reads the text and they start to fight. He attempts to push her out of the vehicle (which was NOT moving- as someone tried saying above). I could see her not getting out at the point they start arguing for sake of wanting to know what the hell was going on with the chick and the text. But then, he shoves her head into the window – and instead of getting out THEN, she turns TOWARDS him and he punches her in the face. And instead of getting out THEN, she stays in the car at which point he drives away and the abuse continues. She had 2 moments of opportunity to contact help (911 HELLO??) but instead she FAKES a first call to an assistant and attempts a text to another assistant the second time even though at that point he told her that he was going to kill her?? The vehicle comes to an eventual stop after a horrible tyrade of abuse and instead of getting the hell out of there THEN, she thinks clearly enough to turn the car off and remove the keys from the ignition and SIT ON THEM? What the hell did she think was going to happen then???
    Honestly, what he did was wrong and I get that and he should be locked up, but women also need to start being smarter. And after all of this, she’s back with him??? Now, not saying she instigated or was ‘asking for this’; nothing she could’ve ever done would justify his actions, but there’s an awful lot of making Rhianna out to be this victim and a victim of domestic abuse, yes, she is, however, there comes a point when as adults we need to take a little responsibility for ourselves. You can’t put youself in a bad situation and then act surprised when the shit hits the just doesn’t make sense to me. If a man starts hitting me I’m getting the hell out of there- not playing hide-and-go-seek with his car keys. I think they both need help. I think they both need counseling and I think the last thing either of them need is to be together..

  • I absolutely have no tolerance for men who abuse women so I don’t want to give anyone that impression, however, some things just don’t make sense to me…
    She reads the text and they start to fight. He attempts to push her out of the vehicle (which was NOT moving- as someone tried saying above). I could see her not getting out at the point they start arguing for sake of wanting to know what the hell was going on with the chick and the text. But then, he shoves her head into the window – and instead of getting out THEN, she turns TOWARDS him and he punches her in the face. And instead of getting out THEN, she stays in the car at which point he drives away and the abuse continues. She had 2 moments of opportunity to contact help (911 HELLO??) but instead she FAKES a first call to an assistant and attempts a text to another assistant the second time even though at that point he told her that he was going to kill her?? The vehicle comes to an eventual stop after a horrible tyrade of abuse and instead of getting the hell out of there THEN, she thinks clearly enough to turn the car off and remove the keys from the ignition and SIT ON THEM? What the hell did she think was going to happen then???
    Honestly, what he did was wrong and I get that and he should be locked up, but women also need to start being smarter. And after all of this, she’s back with him??? Now, not saying she instigated or was ‘asking for this’; nothing she could’ve ever done would justify his actions, but there’s an awful lot of making Rhianna out to be this victim and a victim of domestic abuse, yes, she is, however, there comes a point when as adults we need to take a little responsibility for ourselves. You can’t put youself in a bad situation and then act surprised when the shit hits the just doesn’t make sense to me. If a man starts hitting me I’m getting the hell out of there- not playing hide-and-go-seek with his car keys. I think they both need help. I think they both need counseling and I think the last thing either of them need is to be together..

    • kris, rihanna is obviously not going to call 911 on her boyfriend just because he tried to push her out the car or pushed her head against the window. That is too minor and no woman is going to call cops just 4 that. So that wasnt an oppurtunity really to call. And no woman is going to just run out of the car just for that, realisticly. When Chris started actually beating her, then yes she should have left which maybe she attempted to, maybe she felt to weak from so much punches, or maybe she really couldnt escape, who knows. It may sound easir than it really is. and if a guy hits a girl out of fustration or because she hit him i believe that is fine. but NEATING CONTINUOUSLY IS WRONG

  • katie and all you other little BITCHES ! chatting shit bout chris brown bes shut the fukkkkk up and stop talkingg !!
    pussyholeeesssss !!!

    Dumb bitches !!

  • I LOVE CHRIS BROWN. yeah what he did was bad, but she obviously was winding him up. it would be different if she hit him. im glad he hasnt gone to prison.

  • I consider myself very lucky to have a loving, tender boyfriend, whom i trust, who would do anything to protect me against a monster like this.

    my father was abusive toward my mother when they were married, so i think being in that situation helped me be able to see the little signs from the very beginning. no matter how small they may seem…those things are huge red flags. And I think trust is the biggest issue. If there is no trust, it will just never, ever work.

    I know its terribly humiliating for her, but maybe it’s beneficial for her and other women in her situation to have some light shed on the subject?

  • I consider myself very lucky to have a loving, tender boyfriend, whom i trust, who would do anything to protect me against a monster like this.

    my father was abusive toward my mother when they were married, so i think being in that situation helped me be able to see the little signs from the very beginning. no matter how small they may seem…those things are huge red flags. And I think trust is the biggest issue. If there is no trust, it will just never, ever work.

    I know its terribly humiliating for her, but maybe it’s beneficial for her and other women in her situation to have some light shed on the subject?

  • what a psycho…i cant believe he attacked her like that…he does need help…he doesnt deserve to have a career…and i hope he gets a beating like the one he gave her!!!…hes not a man!!!

  • His anger stems from relations with his father probably thats why most men go off on women the way they do becuz of the way they were raised or treated by there father or they couldve seen their father beat their mother and think it was ok….nine times outta ten chris wont go to acual jail like rikers or something hes more likely to go to “celebrity prison” becuz he can afford it….i mean lil kim didnt go to real jail she was just in a group program for however long she was there

  • CB must be beaten up n must pay the damages he did to rihanna.
    emotionaly n phscally..he must suffer

  • i think that every last person that is talkin stuff about Chris brown needs to stfu you all are DUMB and need to leave him alone you have no idea what happened and all this stuf you hear in the news and in the magazines how Do you know what is real or not you dont so all you haters on Chris brown go somewhere CHRIS BROWN I LOVE YOU AND WILL SUPPORT YO IN THIS ALL I AM AND ALL WAYS WILL BE A CHRIS BROWN FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I think he needs mental help instead of anger mangement , If she
    stays or goes back to him she’s just as looney as him. He feels that
    he’s just a step higher than her in their singing popularty and if he
    really steped out on her, he will do it again and there’s going to be
    no honesty and thrust between them. I know they both are very
    popular but if they want love, both have to be honest with each other.

  • this is what i say, she was raised in a house with this as well as Chris…it is what they know so let them have at stop wasting the taxpayers damn money…Rihanna is a fool and weak if she didn’t kick him out of the dang car. This makes me beyond angry!

  • chris is horrible i never thought he would b the women beater type.if it would b up to me i would lock him up for life!!! who the hell does he think he is!