Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Before You Eat Another Piece of Bacon …

Check out this adorable video of Kingston, the pet piglet.

This little guy is ridiculous cute. He completely reminds me of my Leo when he was just a baby!

Watching this makes me really happy that I decided last year to go veggie. Not that I ever ate piggie to begin with … being a little Jew girl and all.


Thanks Tiffy!

73 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Sorry bacon is too delicious to give up. I would eat it every day if it wouldn’t make me three hundred pounds.

    • I would eat it every day if someone would cook it for me. BACON IS THE BEST!!!! I do not care if it came from baby unicorns

    • A HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH WITH HAM ON TOP OF THE CHEESE THAT SITTING ON TOP OF THE HAM. I could definitely eat 2 of those on my way to Boston Market for some pork chops. mmmmmm pork chops ahhhhhhhhh,

    • Its uneducated people like you who will continue to destroy the earth, until its at a point of no return, then you’ll say “Oh no, what can we do to fix this?”

      There is more to life than pleasing your tastebuds. Do a little bit of research on where your “delicious bacon” actually comes from… If that alone doesnt make you quit eating meat, then it just proves you are another self centred, ignorant human just adding to the earths massive problems!

      Sorry… Felt I had to rant on a bit… Dumb meat eaters always get to me.
      As usual, I expect to receive the hate filled, idiotic responses.

  • Aw so cute. I want one.

    But I agree with the people above. I love bacon too much. Of course, if I had a pet pig I probably would actually eat bacon.

  • I’m vegetarian since I was born (runs in the family… my greatgrandparents quit eating meat) and I often think about giving my boyfriend’s mother a pig… so she could love it and stop eating them.
    So cute…

  • awhh.
    i used to be vegan,
    but my parents forced me to give it up,
    or else i’d be grounded for life.
    now whenever i eat meat,
    i think i hear pigs and chickens squeaking. :P
    the pig is really cute. :D
    i’ve always wanted a pet porcupine,
    or maybe a pig.

    • ok, so I ADORE eating meat, but don’t hate on vegans for their food choices one bit. Your parents are messed up to FORCE you to eat meat. Seriously. You should fake food allergies to meat or something

  • AWWW.
    damn i want me a pet pig. that was the cutest thing ever!
    makes me wish i didnt love bacon quite so much :/

  • So cute and I am so glad I don’t eat pig. I told my boyfriend I wanted a pocket pig as a pet, they are are adorable and very smart animals.

      • potbellied pigs are usually between 60 and 120 pounds, full grown. pigs that are under this average have been bred poorly, or have been malnourished. it would take many more generations to produce so-called “teacup pigs”, they haven’t been selectively bred long enough for this to be feasible.

  • this makes me so glad I’m a vegetarian
    how can people eat those cute little piggies?
    or any animal, cute or fug

    • hahaha. I was thinking the same thing. the pig’s name is actually Kingsford. I think Beet just decided in her mind that it had to be Kingston, because that sounds familiar.

  • Few things are more yummy than pork ribs or a sloppy blt… If a pig never got any bigger than Kingston, I would totally have to buy one. Super cutest.

  • oh my goodness!! SOOOO ADORABLE!!

    wait..pigs can swim?! haha

    This just makes me wonder-
    Why is it that humans, especially women, go so crazy over playing with and having cute, tiny, little animals?????

    I know that I just want to hug and squeeze little baby animals, this little piggy is no different. :)

  • I have always wanted a pig. A royal dandie to be exact.. too bad their about 3,000 to 4,000 dollars. booooo.

    • You can actually find the teacup pot belly piglets for between 800-1400, I’ve been looking for awhile, as soon as I’m in a house with a fenced in yard I’m getting one. There so cute and cleaner than dogs.

    • Where???? Where can I get one of these delightful teacup piggies?? I’ve looked and researched around where I live, but I’m worried they aren’t “reputable” breeders, and I’ll end up with a half-ton butterball stomping around my apartment.

  • This makes me a little sad. He is so clingy and he clearly wants the cat to be his mom or mentor or something! Is it humane to keep a pig with just humans and no other pigs?

  • Too bad they don’t stay that cute. Adult pigs are hideous, along with cows, chickens, etc. Thus, I must eat them.

  • I was once in Malaysia which is a relatively laid back Muslim country (as far as Muslim countries go) with a huge Indian population so you can’t get pork and you can’t get beef (unless you go to a Chinese restaurant, then you can get EVERYTHING). The hotel breakfast only had turkey or chicken bacon and sausage. They were white. Do you know how disgusting that looks? I never tried it but my husband did. He said it was gross.

    Not apologizing for being a meat eater.

    Beet, you’ve been sick A LOT lately, have you been sicker since going vegetarian and then vegan? Maybe it’s not the best choice for you.

  • He’s litter box trained, too! I can’t even teach my dog to do that. It’s obvious this little dude is very smart.

  • I have a pig like that, it’s a girl and she’s pink and white and has some black spots on her. I named her Flossy. My pig is also litter box trained. This is adorable, i have to make a video now.

  • i never understood why certain religions refuse to eat certain meats, it really makes sense – and wasn’t kosha [spl?] just a way to preserve good health in the olden days before fridges etc.

    no offence to anyone meant, but it lacks logic.

    i only eat chicken breast and certain fishes as i dislike most meat due to the texture.


    Pigs have the average intelligence of a four year old child.

    Pork is the closest in taste to human flesh according to cannibals who have talked about it. [interviewed in prison obvs]

    Pigs grow up to be HUGGGGE.

    Pigs are adorable for the most part, and like to be clean.

    peace out.

  • Damn it, Beet! Why’d you have to go and post that?

    I tried going vegetarian once, but I just couldn’t do it – lasted less than a month. Now I’ll still eat meat, but I’ll feel really, really bad. :(

  • I like eating bacon, but I really like eating pussy better , especially when it has that meaty smell to it AH HA HA

  • There was a vegan in one of my classes that I couldnt stand.
    One day she came up to me and said “i save 96 animals a year!”
    She made me want to eat a burger right in front of her.

  • Isn’t it amazing how tough people can be, talking the shit on here like “i like bacon id eat it every day” when we know that the majority of you would starve if it came down to killing these animals themselves. You’re all a bunch of hypocritical cowards.

    ps Im glad you’d starve, you’re not worthy to live on this planet.

    • You are one of the reasons why meat-eaters give vegans such shit. jeez. I don’t care what anyone eats. Its a personal choice; you don’t have to be such a righteous dick about it.

      how is that hypocritical? If I had to farm every vegetable or fruit that I ate, I would probably starve too.


  • 1) Bacon is forever!!
    2) SOOO CUTE!!
    How can you litter train a pig?! That’s awesome!!
    I thought he was gonna drown!!! =O

  • that was the cutest pig ever, how he freaked out on the stairs and runs so fast on his tiny legs. i am glad i havnt eaten pork for over a year. (my husband doesnt for religous reasons so niether have i sense we married) i would totaly have that as a pet!

  • I made the big mistake of showing the video to my 3 year old boy, and he has now decided, that he don’t really need a cow anymore, let’s just get a pig instead, they run faster! he said….

  • I’m a vegetarian and a football player… yes, those exists. Anyway, I have been a veggie for a short while since I saw some animals being killed for food. It was a struggle, and I just couldn’t handle it knowing something was fighting to live its life. Sure you see this in nature all the time, but people don’t really need to eat meat. Anyway, I just wanted to tell those whom are considering being a vegetarian but love bacon too much… baconsalt!!!

    Not that I work for them or anything, but haha… I now can have bacon fries. Also, I’m more energetic since becoming vegetarian.