Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Moss Says She’s Not Pregnant, Just Gaining Weight


Despite the rumors running around that Kate Moss is preggers, she claims she’s just growing boobs (and a Buddha belly! Like me! Buddha bellies are so hot right now).

She says in an interview with New York magazine:

“”I’ve just started wearing bras. It’s a miracle. Great timing for my lingerie collection. I’ve just grown breasts … I am a woman now. It’s true. Honestly, I’ve never worn a bra in my life. Ever! It’s so awful, even my friends are phoning me up and saying, ‘Are you pregnant?’ And I’m like, ‘No! I just put on a couple of pounds and they went in the right place.’ Isn’t that weird? Now I can fill a B-cup.”

Kate Moss has already birthed an entire child. How is that she’s just now putting on weight? Not fair.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The overall medical term is nausea, or gastrointestinal distress, and it can be caused by hundreds of different things, but the 6 most common causes are:

    1. Over or under-eating, or drinking too much (Indigestion)
    2. Depression, anxiety, stress, pain.
    3. Drug overdose (including caffeine and alcohol), drug reaction, allergy or side effect.
    4. Insomnia or staying awake too long.
    5. Illness, such as a bacteria infection.
    6. lactose intolerance
    After a certain age you can’t party like you used to.

    • huh? you think she has this as she is putting on weight or she had it when she was a size zero? i don’t gettit?

  • Hmmm – I still think there’s a baby on the way… She’s just going to fudge a little bit so it doesn’t look like she was partying while pregnant. Hey, if the Palin family can change a child’s birthdate – why not Kate?

  • @chels I know what you mean, its hard to find good help these days. People now days just don’t have the work ethic they used to have. I mean consider whoever wrote this post, they must have been working hard to write that good and it took a good bit of their time I am sure. I work with people who couldn’t write like this if they tried, and getting them to try is hard enough as it is.

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