Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Hate To Do This To You Guys…

but Brit was on X Factor tonight.  I know you are probably totally Womanizer-ed out but which night do you think she did the best?  Clip above is tonight, she also performed on Thursday in Germany and Friday in Paris.  Perez says tonight was the worse of the three.  Per my usual, I 100% disagree and think she has improved with each performance.  Thoughts?  Your in-depth analysis is critical.  I think she’s on her way back.

Is it wrong that I have had her documentary on my DVR schedule for the past two weeks?

30 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She looks good, sounds good, looks like she’s having fun; of course that assclown Perez would hate it.

  • Better then the last two. Maybe she’s kind of off right now because she WANTS to do more on stage, but they wont let her? I mean she’s always been big with performing when on stage, and now all she’s really doing is moving her arms around and walking around.

    She just looks plain BORED.

  • perez is, as usual, talking out of his ass.

    this is her best so far. she seems to be way more comfortable than in the first two performances, and she’s smiling waaayyy more.

    i’m so glad she’s back and doing well and working.

  • DEFINITELY the best out of the three.
    This one, there’s more of a spark in her eyes.
    Finally something that makes me want to buy the album.

  • i liked the theatrics of the paris one the best but i think she seemed the most into this one, which overall makes it the best. i agree that she looks kind of bored. i think the choreography is lacking. she just walks around a whole bunch. but, all those anti- depressants/psychotics certainly arent helping to keep her eyes from being glazed over and unemotional.

  • The more I hear it, that song is just so bloody repetitive. I mean, I don’t expect lyrical geniusness from her but ugh.

  • This is def. the best of the three. She’s got that spark back, and even the parts where she’s just walking seem to have energy and purpose this time. Hooray!

  • Talentless in every way. She can’t sing. She can’t dance. She can’t raise kids. She can’t stay married. She can’t keep from shaving her head and going psycho.

  • Amazing! Yes, I agree, this was the best performance of the three, although she still hasn’t completely let herself go yet onstage, she seems like she still lacks her full self-confidence. It’s definitely coming back, more and more, but she still has a bit more of a way to go. But god, how I love to watch her! Why is she so mesmerising to watch, and fascinating to read about? I’m such a Britney junkie. How I love my crazy Cheetoling!

  • I agree, this is her best. She looked better dress-wise at the other two shows, but she’s really feeling it here, displaying a little energy and happiness unlike at her two earlier performances. She’s getting back in the game, good for her!

  • I am so sick of hearing this song. I agree that it is the best out of the three….she’s still doesn’t look as alive as she use to years ago but she’s getting better.

  • I loved her dress thing in Paris, but this was her best performance. I was so sad watching the Bambi Awards clip because her eyes looked so dead, Paris was better, but she definitely had a little bit of the old Britney here. Maybe she’s singing and dancing her meds off? IT’S A POSSIBILITY.

    Also, Louis Walsh needs to die a horrible, painful death for clapping like that. Seriously.

  • Having watched this live because I’m from the UK I can tell you half the spark she had that night did not come across in the video online!
    You can tell she was really enjoying being back on stage and even though she didnt do as much dancing as she used to do doesnt make it any less of a performance!
    Sure she didn’t sing live but they weren’t even sure she would show up to the show after only showing up to rehersals and leaving as soon as she was done and not talking to anyone in between except her own people!
    In my opinion this was the best because you can tell she was comfortable.

  • This is definitely the best of the three. She finally looks alive and looks like she’s having fun. This crowd also seemed to really love her and I think she probably got some energy from that. Brit’s back!

  • This is the best of the three.
    Her smile!
    So happy to have the girl smiling again.

    In the previous performances she just looked sad or bored,
    her she has some umpf in her motions and has a big grin on her face.

  • Best – but still not quite all there. C’mon Brit we’re rooting for ya! And I’ll have to say I’m now getting sick of this song, it’s stuck in my head.

  • Womanizer-ed out? I love the way you think. In comparison to the other two, the concept was scaled back to basics. Unfortunately, I think it made for a much better show than the other two. I can see her face, her body, her presence compared to dancers, and she did move some. She looked like she enjoyed it, and FINALLY realized that it’s about singing what’s in her song, and not about grooving to a song like you are just another club goer. The middle part needs to be replicated more often.

    If this was a comeback, people would be watching if she commits to her dance counts, and if she is offering more choreography. I think she’s on her way.

  • I hate to agree with Perez, cus i fucking hate him.. But i agree.. This last one was the worse.. I totally love the red outfit, and that was my fav. of the three.. I don’t like how she’s not really dancing like before, and the lip sync.. She used to do it differently.. But i think she’s on her way though, she looks amazing that’t for sure..

  • Ok, so it is fine if you lipsynch to your own songs if you have a KILLER dance routine that makes it impossible to keep your breath. But it’s like she has forgotten how to dance. I think shes on serious meds and that’s why she has lost her moves. Wanders a bit around in a daze; the only reason its better than the VMA’s is because she looks a million years better. But her performance is just plain BAD.

  • I really tried to like it because I am rooting for her, I just couldn’t make myself do it. She looks good. She has to make a commitment to work on the dancing now after 2 kids. I think she can do it, but I’m not sure she understands.

  • This is definitely her best performance so far. Things I didn’t like 1. her hair–homegirl needs to wear pin up curls, it would have gone better with her outfit and the theme; maybe a little tiny top hat askew on the side of the curls too 2: she walked around a lot 3. she needs more challenging dance moves- she should dance like her dancers do

    but overall she got more into it and looked more relaxed and like she was having fun.

  • I think she looked way better. She wasn’t as stiff. I just wish she did a little more dancing and a little less standing around.