Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The AMAs Happened and I Am Trying Soooo Hard to Care

I really am, you guys. Every cell in my little body is straining to give a fuck about the American Music Awards. But they just can’t do it. The little cells just collapse from the effort, like Britney Spears in a middle-school spelling bee. Wendie already ran the photos from the red carpet, which are by far the most interesting part of all this, but I know I have to at least make a teensy tiny effort to let you know about who won and all. So I’m gonna copy-paste some shit from, because that’s way easier than trying to act like I’m excited about the American Music Awards.

Chris Brown was the big winner at the American Music Awards on Sunday night, surprising himself most of all.

“I don’t know what to say. I would have given it to Coldplay,” said Brown, who won artist of the year, male pop/rock artist and male soul/R&B artist.

Kanye West, still sore at losing male rap/hip-hop artist last year, won the trophy this time – then said Lil Wayne deserved it more.

“I want to give this award to Wayne,” he said. “If it was last year it would have been my award.”

It was West’s second trophy of the night, following his win for rap/hip-hop album, for Graduation.

“It’s our responsibility as musicians to push music to the point it was in the ’60s and ’70s,” he said. “I want to be Elvis.”

Host Jimmy Kimmel, who had made West’s ego a running joke, quipped: “Elvis died on the toilet with half a jelly doughnut in his mouth. You may want to rethink that.”

Alicia Keys, who captured two awards for her As I Am album, winning for both the pop/rock and soul/R&B categories, let out a loud “Woooooooo” after picking up a trophy, then dedicated her victory “to all the super women who struggle every day to make it through.” …

In a big night for American Idol alums, Daughtry – winner of three trophies last year – picked up another this year for pop/rock group, while former Idol champ Jordin Sparks won for adult contemporary music, and Carrie Underwood won for country album for Carnival Ride.

Taylor Swift, uncomfortably sharing L.A.’s Nokia Theatre auditorium with ex-boyfriend Joe Jonas, won for female country artist, and Rihanna got two awards for pop/rock female artist and female soul R&B artist.

Rascal Flatts picked up their fouth American Music Award – and third in the last three years – for country band, and Brad Paisley won for male country artist, getting a laugh from the audience as he turned over the pyramid-shaped trophy and said, “Made in China?”

So, um, it’s gonna be the usual set of reactions from me:

1) Way to go, Chris Brown. You’re a talented and level-headed young man, and I respect you for that.
3) I love you, Taylor! DOWN WITH JOBRO!

And, in conclusion, I consider any sort of awards ceremony at which Jordin Sparks doesn’t feel the need to call anyone not wearing a promise ring a slut to be an overwhelming success. Well done, guys.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Oh thank goodness!! I second that motion. S-H-U-T U-P K-A-N-Y-E!!! Can we get t-shirts with that on?!!

  • One day, Kanye will do something that doesn’t completely annoy the sh*t out of me. One day…


  • when are they going to stop with all this ridiculous award shows?
    cant they just give out the awards without televising it? really now, i dont even think tweens even watch this crap anymore.

  • I thought I was just getting old. Which I am. But seriously, such a bad show. And Christina Aguilera can’t sing anymore. There, I said it.

  • why did they have to mention taylor swift and joe jonas? lol that’s dumb. i’m sure the room was full of plenty exes.

  • Oh lord. Shut the fuck up Kayne, you’re such a baby. Get over that damn award!

    (Puppy Cam= COMPLETE CUTENESS! Just clicked on play and some of the puppies are adjusting in their sleep and making cute little puppy noises. It is so adorable!)

  • What?With Taylor and Joe there and Miley and Nick and Miley’s bday and performance how can you not be interested,I love that girl and anytime she and Taylor are around the potential for drama is there,especially with ex boyfriends in the room,and I’m NOT a teenie but their stuff that they have going on in so much more interesting to me than the older peoples lives,there’s more drama,lately anyway.