Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nermal Is Going Into the Film Business

I know I’ve mentioned on this blog before that the only thing I know about Abu Dhabi is that it’s where Garfield always threatened to send Nermal.

But now I know one more thing: Abu Dhabi is positioning itself to become the Bollywood of the Arab world.

Government-owned Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADMC), which owns a number of print and broadcast firms, has launched a company called “imagenation [sic] abu dhabi” with plans to make movies in the rich, desert state, according to reports in the United Arab Emirates paper The National and in the Financial Times.

The film venture is part of Abu Dhabi’s extensive efforts to broaden its economic base away from oil and gas extraction and into services, tourism and manufacturing.

Dude so if Abu Dhabi wants to promote this new tourism thing they’re shooting for, I have thought up an amazing slogan:

Abu Dhabi: Not Just for Nermal Anymore

Isn’t that brilliant? I think it clearly conveys the intended message. I’m totally in the wrong line of work.

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