Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Anna Lynne McCord Goes Trucker-Chic

photo of hot anna lynne mccord trucker hat green tank top pictures CW photos

I know we don’t really talk a whole lot about Anna Lynne McCord in these parts, half because we don’t watch 90210 and half because girlfriend just isn’t all that interesting, but I positively had to touch upon what she wore to a recent CW party.

The hat was probably pretty edgy back in, you know, 2001 and the rest of the outfit looks like it came from the bargain bin at a thrift shop (and don’t get me wrong: I love, love thrift shops; it’s just that this particular bargain bin must have accidentally had all of Walmart’s Miley Cyrus line discarded into it and then thrown up on by someone who listened to too much Sk8er Boi growing up; bad bargain bin, bad).

What do you guys think – is it easy, breezy summer fashion, or are you thinking what I’m thinking and thinking “What the hell are you thinking, Anna Lynne McCord?”

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