Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Christina Aguilera Apparently Took a Bit of Our Advice

photo of christina aguilera pictures photos fat thin before after photos

These are recent photos of Christina Aguilera, leaving a recording studio in LA earlier in the week.

I give Christina props – she dropped the horrible red lipstick, pancake foundation, and fugly baloney curls and went with the more natural look that we all pretty much agreed flatters her probably more than anything else at this point possibly could.

Her hair still looks fried out and frizzy, but the crimps are way more stylish than the 40’s flapper type, and her face is still as round and puffy as the moon, but dude. The only thing that’s going to rectify that is PUTTING THE BOTTLE DOWN and BACKING AWAY FROM IT SLOWLY.

On the whole, looking good, girl – I’m feeling this whole sanitary look! Someone went Misikko!

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