Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Scary Movie 5 Looks So Great

Oh my god, no it doesn’t! Sorry for the foolin’, but it really, really doesn’t. It looks horrible, but then again it’s not like any of us expected anything great, right?

The most important thing about the trailer, obviously, is the scene between Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen. As you can see, their scene was filmed as a sex tape (just think about that for a minute), and there is absolutely no kissing. If you look, you can see a little joke on the television about Lindsay’s probation being revoked, which is especially hilarious as it turned out to be true.

Luckily, TMZ got a hold of the script, and they know that Lindsay and Charlie’s dialogue includes gold like this:

LINDSAY: Okay but let’s do this quick, I got a court hearing in the morning … It’s a driving mishap thing.

CHARLIE: Promise me you won’t drive.

LINDSAY: That’s very sweet. You’re worried about me behind the wheel.

CHARLIE: I’m worried about me. I’m a pedestrian.

LOL. Also, when they start sexin’, Charlie “keeps running into LiLo’s numerous bodily devices … i.e. her sobriety monitor, tracking anklet, and a dog shock collar for orgasm help.” And one more tidbit: at some point, Lindsay runs Charlie over in her car, and then she hands off the keys to someone else because “you were driving.” Get it? It’s funny because that exact scenario happened in real life (besides the running over Charlie Sheen bit).

Are we all going to see this when it comes straight to DVD?