Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Simon Cowell Disses Lady Gaga, Praises Beyonce


Simon Cowell has lots to say about Lady Gaga, and it’s not too complimentary. Beyoncé, however…man, he loves the hell outta Bey. He did a radio interview with Kay Burley and Stig Abell on LBC 97.3 and gave his classic Cowell viewpoint on the state of today’s music. Via Mirror:

I think overall this has been a really, really good year for music, I was saying that to someone last night, it’s almost as if songs have come back into fashion again. I mean, some people have had a great year, some people have had a bad year, it’s quite interesting that after all the hype, Lady Gaga, it’s almost as if people have just had enough of it.

[Whereas] You see the Beyoncé album drop out of nowhere in the middle of the night and crash the internet. No pre-promotion, no stupid pictures, nothing. And again, maybe this is the sign of how things are going to change in the future.

What do you guys think about what he said?


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