Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Is How Pamela Anderson Did Her Make-Up For A Make-Up Convention

pamela anderson make up convention

Pamela Anderson, girl, what is going on here. You were invited to the Cosmoprof Convention in Vegas, which is a cosmetology convention that “normal” people can’t just show up for. You have to be invited. Which is still not really impressing me much, it’s on par with the things you’ve been shilling for lately, but okay, I guess if you’re really into make-up, this is where you want to be.

So what the hell is this make-up job? Are you okay? You’re looking a little Jenna Jameson — the later years, and that’s not a great thing. Are you just tired? But really though, skinny arched eyebrows and frosted eyeshadow? Come onnnnnnn.

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  • Well, obvious face-lift for starters, but why does the bottom half of her face look so dirty?