Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ethan Hawke Hates The Oscars As Much As I do

ethan hawke lol

Ethan Hawke has a little something to say about The Oscars. Spoiler alert: he hates them. Like, a lot. Is he just jealous? Who cares, he has good points. From The Huffington Post,

People want to turn everything in this country into a competition. It’s so asinine … if you look at how many forgettable, stupid movies have won Oscars and how many mediocre performers have Oscars above their fireplace. Making a priority of chasing these fake carrots and money and dubious accolades, I think it’s really destructive.

Unfortunately somewhere his publicist had a heart attack and this backpeddling occured,

I think The Oscars do a very good job in representing much of the great work in a given year. Inevitably though, many great films and performances are not recognized and can be overlooked due to the mass marketing and PR machines that march through the awards season. I don’t mean to take anything away from the genuine and deserved excitement that every nominee should feel.

Dude, stand by your statements! Last year, Joaquin Phoenix said of The Oscars,

I think it’s bullshit. I think it’s total, utter bullshit, and I don’t want to be a part of it. I don’t believe in it. It’s a carrot, but it’s the worst-tasting carrot I’ve ever tasted in my whole life. I don’t want this carrot. It’s totally subjective. Pitting people against each other … It’s the stupidest thing in the whole world.

EFF YEAH! Phoenix is nominated this year for The Master. I hope he doesn’t show up, to really stand by his statement. Or if he does show up, I hope it’s in a t-shirt and jeans and he calls everybody “bro.”


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