Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Morgan Freeman Narrated 50 Shades of Grey, But You Won’t Hear It

photo of morgan freeman's o face pictures
… Even though it wasn’t Morgan Freeman, anyway, and a comedian named Josh Robert Thompson, the video has been pulled (presumably by Morgan Freeman’s people, who also claim that Morgan Freeman is not dead, contrary to some reports that emerged yesterday afternoon). I felt that it was worth mention, anyway, since anyone narrating 50 Shades of Grey is pretty hilarious, and … wait, what’s that? You haven’t heard many people do it? Well Gilbert Gottfried did it (yes, Iago from Aladdin). The cast of Snow White and the Huntsman did it, including Kristen Stewart, and no—the coincidence of Kristen Stewart reading literary pornography aloud (on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman) does not escape me, either.

Here’s Gilbert:

OMG, hilarious. Seriously.

And here’s the cast of Snow White:

Amazing, right? Bonus points for anyone who can find a not-yet-pulled audio of this “Morgan Freeman” character in action.

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