Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Here’s My New Favorite Picture of Kim and Kanye

A photo of Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West

Oh man, this is just like that time that The Rock went to Splash Mountain last year and had his picture taken on a ride, which is awesome, because that was one of my very favorite times.

As you can see, Kim Kardashian and Kanye, along with little Kendall Jenner on the far left there, went to Magic Mountain. Thanks to this darling photo that Kim tweeted, we now know that Kim cries on rollercoasters, Kanye absolutely loves them, and Kendall is one of those bitches that’s too dumb to pull her hair back when she’s going to be flung around in the air all day on fancy fun machines. And if that knowledge wasn’t enough, just think about this: what if the faces Kim and Kanye are making right here are also their sex faces? Right? Just think about it for a minute.

I’m sorry, you guys, I just really, really got a kick out of this picture.

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  • If I had seen Kim’s sex tapes – and I’m not saying I did! – I could say her face doesn’t change much during sex. But at least she doesn’t answer the phone like Paris Hilton. A girl has to have SOME manners while making a sex tape, for goodness sake.