Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Blind Item: The Sexy Hunger Games Edition

From Blind Gossip:

These two young stars costarred in one of the biggest movies of the year and everyone speculated that they had an affair. But that’s only half right. The female lead DID have an on set fling – but not with her costar – with her costar’s GIRLFRIEND when she came to visit! Ironically, the girlfriend is also a major star but she wouldn’t let her hunky boyfriend join in the fun. Both women are bisexual and he’s straight.

When you hear about “one of the biggest movies of the year” with “two young stars,” do you think of any movie besides Hunger Games? Because I’ve been trying hard to think of any other movie that would fit that description, and I really can’t. So let’s work with the assumption that the movie in question is Hunger Games, all right?

I’m sure you already know where this is going.

The female lead, of course, is Jennifer Lawrence, and her male costar is Liam Hemsworth. There has been a fair bit of speculation about the two of them hooking up, and I believe Liam is the only dude in the movie who is dating a “major star.” So basically, I think this blind item is saying that Jennifer Lawrence and Miley Cyrus had a fling. Oh god.

Jennifer wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t cheat on poor Nicholas Hoult and she wouldn’t do it with a girl in flannel and high-waisted cut-offs. She wouldn’t. Would she?

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  • Sounds a bit far-fetched innit. I don’t know, perhaps. It’d be fun if it were true haha. But why would he be okay with his gf hooking up with his workmate? Anyway, Ems, I don’t know why the Miley-hate :( she’s pretty and if I were into women, I’d totally be into her!

    • She is really pretty, and I think she sounds like she’d be a blast to hang out with. It’s just her clothes. I just can’t with those shorts.