Today's Evil Beet Gossip

When Britney Dresses Herself …

photo of britney spears pictures dressing herself pic
A—Small island countries crack down the middle and radioactive emu emerge from the resulting orifice
B—The weave business gets ready for a boon
C—People think she’s way crazy all over again and winter boots in mid-June do no part in deterring people from thinking that she’s way crazy all over again

The correct answer is C. Well, it’s B, too, but it’s mostly C.

This is what Britney wore this past week on an outing with her kids, and I don’t even know where to begin in horrendousness. Is this in her ‘X-Factor’ rider, too? I mean, everything else is. Is there some kind of caveat that specifies that Britney can not, in any way, shape or form, even participate in choosing her outfits for ‘X-Factor’ episodes, but is allowed to dress herself while blindfolded on her off-days? Or is this more to do with the pesky conservatorship thing that’s still happening? That the one? Did Jason Trawick accept responsibility for Britney as co-conservator in exchange for girlfriend’s personal fashion freedom? Because man. That is a sacrifice of love if I’ve ever heard one.

Note to Britney: it’s not 2002 anymore. And even then, that particular look right there was f-cking awful. Can we get someone on this, please?

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  • Sooooo, its OK for Megan Fox to wear her winter boots AND sweat pants out in LA,(even when she wasn’t pregnant) but if Britney wears her boots with shorts she’s lost her marbles?????