Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Courtney Stodden Claims Her Body Doesn’t Have a Resin Identification Code

photo of courtney stodden bikini photo shoot pictures nipslip photo

You know those things on the bottoms of recyclable containers? The little numbers encircled (entriangled?) in the “Recycle!” symbol? No? Oh for f*ck’s sake. These things:

photo of recycling code pictures photos

I’m betting that these suckers are all over Courtney‘s body, hidden delicately between the subtle folds of her soft, adolescent skin, just waiting to be discovered in photos like the ones above. Yup. Like the one up there where Courtney’s man has a seagull feather stuck behind his ear. THAT’S DISGUSTING. Doesn’t he know how many diseases those things carry? Shit, I learned that when I was five; a mere twelve years prior to Courtney’s current age. Also, I’m not going to say that you can kind of see her nipple in that photo, because I don’t want to be sued for the exploitation of minors or whatever, but since no one else seems to care – ahem, Doug Hutchison, we have an erection for you to pick up from the front desk in about ten months and three weeks – well, I won’t point that out anyway.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She’s spray tanned on her abs to make them more defined.. and I can see the white patch where her birth control patch was on her arm.

  • That girl may not have fake tits but I don’t want to know how much she spends on EXTREME push up bras. Damn…

    • Are you serious?
      Have we been so over exposed to fake titties that some people think this is what they are supposed to look like?
      You can actually see her skin wrap back around the edge implants. There is no way anyone should think these are real.

  • Holy Moly, I just looked through every single one of those pictures. What is wrong with me.

    On a side note: that is some serious fake tan, some alarming padding of already-huge boobs and surely you’ve got some great material here for a Caption This post? :)

  • Before I thought her boobs were fake…but I’m beginning to realize that they may not be fake, but she absolutely wants them to look fake…

  • You can look like this too if you seductively eat a saucy sundae at sunset after a titillating trek up a tree in a teeny t-shirt.

  • Here comes the word vomit…
    These are terrible fakies, she looks like a washed up porn star.
    Also, no way this woman is 16-17 years old, NO WAY.
    The abs are totally brushed on, so is her tan.
    Who wears (ugly) heels to the beach?!
    Pam Anderson called and she wants her “Barb Wire” upper-arm-bracelet back.
    Can’t she do something about those dark roots? It’s embarresing.
    But most pathetic of all is that old dude with her. So sad.

  • her spray tan is grossing me out. i am paler than a ghost and my i thought the mystic tan i got made my skin look dirty, that is amazing. she looks like a garbage can. ew! and the boobies, are just terrifying. her top doesn’t even fit her large chemical balls well.

  • The sad part is she might actually be pretty without the fake tan, hideous clown make up, porno attire, etc.