Today's Evil Beet Gossip

But Who Is Doing The Halftime Show at The Super Bowl Next Year?

A photo of Madonna

Surprise, it’s Madonna! Yay! I hope nobody slips up and places some ugly flowers in her dressing room, LOL! Remember, because she has strong feelings about certain kinds of flowers. Oh, Madonna, what will you do next?!

Now, I don’t love Madonna or anything crazy like that (sorry I never jammed to “Material Girl” or whatever, but it doesn’t make me a bad person), but I’m sure her show will still be waaaaay better than last year’s. Remember that train wreck? That completely uncalled-for combination of the Black Eyed Peas, Usher, and Slash? I barely remember it, mostly because I only watched a tiny bit of it on YouTube after everyone who ever said words called it the most horrendous performance ever, but geez, right?

Are you psyched for Madonna’s upcoming performance? Will she be able to rock it? Is there anyone else who would have been better suited to do this show?

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