Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hilarious Leak of Raw Christina Aguilera Recording (Listen Before It’s Taken Down!)

Let’s be super clear about one thing: Christina Aguilera is one hell of a crazy-ass bitch, but the girl can sing. If you think she can’t sing, then you need to get your head/ears checked immediately. You should also consider adopting some sort of small animal, because it’ll teach you how to love and open up your heart and maybe be less of a crazy person yourself.

Now that we’ve sorted that out, listen to this leaked version of her new song, “You Lost Me,” that’s so raw that you can actually hear her say at the 5:17 mark, “Awful.” Like, the girl was listening to herself singing and decided that her ad-libbing sucked and needed to be rerecorded.

Of course it’s not awful at all. In fact, I thought the song was totally beautiful and it reminds me of the stuff she was doing when she really started for find her voice back in the “Stripped” days. Here’s hoping that the rest of her new album is as beautiful as this track and that she continues to showcase her voice rather than continue on the overly-produced path that she headed down on “Bionic”, huh?

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It seems like she’s going for an Adele sound in this one. She’s got the voice for it.

  • this song was on the Bionic album! I know it off by heart! it’s one of her most beautiful songs ever :)

  • Completely hauntingly beautiful. Jesus. Chills. Jealous! Goddammit, how does she do that?

  • If you like this song you should check out the singer who wrote it – Sia Furler. Her stuff is all up on youtube.

  • I love her songs and i also like this girl. she can really sing! That song was amazing.