Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Are You Willing to Be Educated on Any Topic by Sarah Palin?

I know that when I think about the short list of things I want to learn about and people I want to learn about them from, "Alaska" and "Sarah Palin" are right at the very top. Thankfully, Discovery Communications has decided to pick up Sarah Palin's documentary-style program, imaginatively titled "Sarah Palin's Alaska" (LOL), and it's rumored that Mark Burnett Productions will be earning about $1 million per episode. In terms of first-season cable TV money, that's a pretty serious paycheck. Here's the question though: Who is ...

Family Guy Takes One Hell Of a Shot at Sarah Palin

Did you guys catch the last episode of Family Guy? If not, check out the clip above. It's a scene where Chris goes on a date with a mentally retarded girl, who uhhhh, kinda sorta happens to be the daughter of a former Alaskan governor? While Sarah Palin's name is never mentioned, an animated retarded girl claiming that her mother is a former Alaskan governor is a pretty clear jab. The subject of Sarah's son Trig's downs syndrome has been in the news quite a bit. It's unfortunate that Sarah Palin is so disliked, and I say th...

Sarah Palin Makes Her Debut on Fox News. You’ll Have to Tell Me If It’s Any Good.

Because I can't watch it. First off, I apologize for my recent absence around these parts. My laptop is very sick. It's at the Apple store right now undergoing emergency surgery, and hopefully it will come out alive and well. My friend lent me her laptop in the interim, but trying to be creative on a foreign computer is kind of like Mark McGwire playing baseball without steroids; it's just not as impressive and things take much longer. But I thought I'd share with you the video footage Sarah Palin's Fox News debut. Maybe I could have watched the whole thing if she hadn't been sitting next to Bill O'Reilly, who, in the first few minutes, tries to convince me that Sarah Palin is not a threat because she is both a mother and an American. Because, you know, once we chicks pop out kids in this country, we lose all potency to effect change in other arenas. There was nothing misogynistic about that remark, Bill. You're a peach. Furthermore, there is nothing at all threatening about Sarah Palin, unless you care about silly girl things like reproductive rights and foreign policy and evolution and the sheer terror that runs through your body when you realize how much of the country is reading this woman's book without throwing something at the wall. The truth is, I'm not especially angry about Sarah doing Fox News. I would way rather have her there, preaching to her choir, than in public office, capable of impacting those of us who don't watch Fox News. /> Because I can't watch it. First off, I apologize for my recent absence around these parts. My laptop is very sick. It's at the Apple store right now undergoing emergency surgery, and hopefully it will come out alive and well. My friend lent me her laptop in the interim, but trying to be creative on a foreign computer is kind of like Mark McGwire playing baseball without steroids; it's just not as impressive and things take much longer. But I thought I'd share with you the video footage Sar...

Sarah Palin Invites Levi Johnston Over For Thanksgiving

Sarah Palin You'd think that if your daughter's baby daddy was showing his junk for money in Playgirl and shit-talking you on national television while disclosing family secrets, you probably wouldn't want to sit around a table with him talking about how moist this year's turkey is, but that Sarah Palin just won't be put in a mold! In an interview with Oprah that's due to air on November 16th, Palin said she'd be more than happy to have Levi Johnston at her Thanksgiving table. "It's lovely to think t...

Sarah Palin Finally Takes a Public Swing at Levi Johnston

Sara Palin Responds to Levi Johnston After His Today Show Appearance Throughout the Levi Johnston Famewhore Tour '09, Sarah Palin has stayed pretty tight lipped about the whole thing. Surprising because Levi has publicly slandered her in all the right places. He went so far as to take his mother and sister to Tyra where they had a "Johnston Family Speaks Out"-type special in which numerous private details about both Palin and her daughter, Bristol. After Levi's appearance on CBS' The Early Show this morning, Palin couldn't keep quiet anymore. Levi flat-out...

Levi Johnston Is Talking Mad Smack About The Palin Family

90611p7_johnston_b-gr_032 After his last bout of press from attending the Teen Choice Awards with the hilarious Kathy Griffin, Levi Johnston clearly felt his star was fading because instead of just slipping in to obscurity like he's supposed to, he's now dishing to Vanity Fair about all kinds of scandalous crap going down in the Palin household. Johnston touches on some hot topics and while not much of this is a surprise, it's interesting to hear Palin inside information from someone who's actually been inside of a Pa...

Levi Johnston Wouldn’t Vote For Sarah Palin

In Levi Johnston's continuing attempt to extend his long-expired fifteen minutes of fame, he spoke at a press conference last Thursday in which he claimed that Sarah Palin resigned for financial reasons.  Johnston recounted tales of the Palin family lamenting their inability to accept book and reality television deals due to Sarah's political obligations.  He believes that is the motivating force behind Palin's hasty departure from government. Levi -- and this dude's only accomplishment...

Palin Quits, Father-In-Law Clueless

Everyone knows now that Sarah Palin is stepping down as governor of Alaska.  As The Last Frontier heaves a collective sigh of relief that is so deep it may sink the state into the Bering Sea, Palin's father-in-law got the news a day late.  Jim Palin was salmon fishing on Saturday, the day after Sarah's announcement, when he read his email and learned that his daughter-in-law of the past 21 years had resigned.  "We had no idea it was coming. Nobody seemed to know; they're extremely private people. Â...

Levi Johnston Whines About Bristol Palin to Tyra

Oh, man. That Palin family. I thought they'd stop entertaining us after this last Presidential election wrapped up, but I should have known better. Here's a clip of Levi whining to Tyra Banks about how Bristol is mean to him and won't let him take the baby anywhere. Poor Levi. He really has that "pathetic" act down pat right now. I almost feel bad for him. Almost. And I love how Tyra is just coaxing out every sob-story word of it, letting every little drop of mock-tragedy fall like water dow...

Levi Johnston And Bristol Palin Split; Levi Researches Laser Tattoo Removal

bristoltattoo Star magazine is reporting that the love affair of the century has come to an end.  No, not Ginger Twat and her billionaire-more serious than that. Bristol Palin and baby daddy Levi Johnston are ovah!  I'm sure Sarah is thrilled that her daughter has split with the sperm donating high school dropout.  This gives her time.  Specifically, this gives her three years to find a respectable young man to hook her daughter up with-you know, before election 2012! Levi's sister, Mercede, told Sta...

I Want To Meet The Republican Fetishist That Paid 2K For Sarah Palin’s Faux Alligator Cast-Offs

sarahpalinshoe Sarah Palin's niece auctioned a pair of shoes that Auntie wore while on the campaign trail; they sold for $2025 on Ebay.  Who knew the provenance of Sarah Palin's GOP foot sweat was so desirable?  Palin has repeatedly stated that she felt she was under constant attack during the days leading up to the direction.  If you'd like the sanitized version (and who wouldn't?), you can buy the same Naughty Monkey shoes here new for ninety bucks. As a related tip during these tough economic times...

Pics of Bristol Palin’s Baby Sell for $300K

bristol_palin People magazine won the bidding war for the first pics of Bristol Palin's baby -- for a $300K price tag, reportedly. According to one source, bidding for the baby photos began at $100,000. People won out in the end, but In Touch was the only other weekly to make serious bids, according to several sources involved in the process. The price didn't soar immediately, according to the sources, because Sarah Palin stories just didn’t sell all that well for the weeklies on newsstands. â€...
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