Today's Evil Beet Gossip


What is Wrong With Her Face?

I am all for getting plastic surgery on your body. Get some boobs! Lift your butt! Lipo lipo lipo. Ladies, however, stay away from messing with your face. Lip injections, too much botox...

Mid-Afternoon Links

Late-night links will be back eventually, I promise. But it’s gonna be weird like this until I have a functioning Internet connection at home. Don’t get me started. Kim Stewart...

Gay or The Bachelor?

Okay, okay, Details. You win. I’ll run it. This is pretty funny. Although I genuinely hate to be plugging The Bachelor. Don’t watch that show, people. Just don’t...

Mid-Morning Links

LISTEN UP MOTHERFUCKERS … It has been an awful week and an even worse weekend, and I’m sorry nothing got posted this weekend because mostly I was trying not to shoot myself in...

Sex and the City Movie: It’s On!!!

Hooray!!! It only took like a billion years, but apparently the cast of Sex & the City — including Kim Cattrall — have all signed on to do the Sex & the City film. All...

American Idol Romance?

Evidently Chris Richardson (Justin Timblerlake) and Alaina Alexander (the hot one that got booted right away) have been having a little “American Idol” relationship. Sources...

Fashion Victim of the Week

Today we have a few young ladies as our victims. They all have the same issue and it is called “clothes that make you look fat.” I understand that the drapey look is in now but...

Our Readers Rock

I maintain this website for a variety of reasons, but one of them is that, no matter how bummed out I am at any point in time, something related to this site always manages to cheer me up...

Late-Night Links

Tom Cruise is keeping a close eye on his bride. [Cele|bitchy] Everyone hates Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. Meanwhile, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are just happy you know their names...

Details on Grey’s Anatomy Spin-Off

While she made the very best efforts to keep the details of the Grey’s Anatomy spin-off quiet, Shonda Rhimes should know by now that no one on her set can keep their mouth shut about...


I do a better Kermit impression than this, but it’s still pretty freaky stuff. Enjoy Kermit singing Johnny Cash’s “Hurt”