Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton

Paris Continues The Singing Thing

Here’s a sampler of some songs that you’ll find on Paris Hilton’s newest CD. Who can resist songs with names such as “Platinum Blonde,” “Girl Tax,”...

Paris and Doug: Back on!

If you’re anything like me, you wake up every morning lately, scan the news headlines, and ask yourself, “Why isn’t Paris Hilton’s name anywhere on here?”...

Paris Hilton Hated By Court Reporter

Paris Hilton appeared in a Miami courtroom yesterday to testify in a civil lawsuit that was filed against her by the investors of the movie Pledge This.  They claim that Paris didn’t...

The Most Ironic Quotable Ever

“Lindsay and Paris hate not being on the covers of weeklies.  That’s why Lindsay has been causing so much havoc and pulling these antics. And why Paris had a big blow- up with...

I Think You Meant Her Vagina Is a Circus

Contradicting reports that the douche is devastated and begging Paris to take him back, Doug Reinhardt has released a statement that I’m sure is completely true and is in no way a sad...