Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leo Gave Blake’s Dad a Coloring Book

…Aaaaand that’s the whole story, right there in the headline. Radar reports that Leonardo DiCaprio gave Blake Lively‘s dad a coloring book for his birthday. There’s such...


“Do I want to be a father? Yes, but I think I have a few more years. That said, I don’t think I need to have children to play a father in the movies. This feeling is in me, I...

It’s the Economy, Leo!

I find this particularly ironic since I saw a trailer for this movie when I went to see District 9 today. (Incidentally, I have never seen more people walk out of the theater during the...

Where Is Leo? Peekaboo!

I thought of that title because it’s a game I play with my dog, who is also named Leo. I pull down his ears so that they cover his eyes, and then I say “Where is Leo...


“Sam would sort of yell from the other room, ‘No, Leo really grab her thigh! Really grab her thigh!’ I thought, ‘This is really strange, but I’m gonna go with...

Body of Lies Premiere

Time is a thief.  Russell Crowe has aged.  Why does he look like Grizzly Adams at the Body of Lies movie premiere today?  A little Just for Men and a haircut would serve him...

Back Together!

Here’s the adorable Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio — the couple we fell in love with in Titanic — sharing the screen again in Revolutionary Road. Do they still have...

I Hate Tom Brady

I know you guys probably love him. That’s fine. I’m not judging you. But I hate Thomas Brady. Just look at him. Here with Gisele, his girlfriend. Whatever, dude, that leather...

Kelly Slater: Rebound King

So, if you haven’t heard by now, Leo DiCaprio and Bar Rafael are dunzo. So who’s Bar banging now? None other than pro surfer Kelly Slater. Who, many folks have pointed out, is...