Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kevin Federline

Deaderline: Day 2

Kevin Federline has responded to Britney Spears’ divorce filing. In the response, he asks for legal and physical custody of the couple’s two children and requests spousal...

I Have a Sixth Sense About These Things

I declared it “Britney Spears Day”She got divorced.Best News Ever.:) Here are some Britney Spears Divorce Links for Your Evening: Perez has a barrage of great articles of their...

Britney Spears is Legally One Kinky Bitch

An L.A. judge has dismissed a libel suit brought by Britney Spears which accused Us Weekly of defamation for running a story about a sex tape she allegedly made with K-Fed. The suit was...

My Middle Name is Earl

Britney baby mystery solved! TMZ got ahold of the kid’s birth certificate, which indicates that Britney birthed a male named Jayden James Federline. My favorite part of all this...

Did Britney Birth a Girl?

When Britney Spears gave birth to her latest Federspawn on September 12, we reported that the lucky new Band-Aid for Britney’s gaping emotional wounds was a boy named Sutton Pierce...

Friday Afternoon Links fo’ Yo Ass

Angelina Jolie just hates it when photogs catch pictures of Shiloh without forking over the requisite $4M. [Just Jared] Nicole Kidman’s husband, country singer Keith Urban, is the...

Kevin Federline 2.0

[youtube=] I’m sorry but I love Weird Al. In middle school I bought his album, “Bad Hair Day” and listened to Amish Paradise over and over again. Though I really thought...

Britney Spears’ Baby Name Revealed!

It’s official: on September 12 of this year, Britney Spears birthed a 72-year-old British man. Although we have not yet seen photos of the crotchety old wanker, his age and obvious...

Final Thoughts on the VMAs

Because you all are clearly incapable of forming your own opinions and thus are unfailingly interested in mine. Sarah Silverman may well be the funniest person on planet Earth. As soon as...