Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Beyoncé Broke the Super Bowl AND My Ears

Here we are, on the Monday after Super Bowl weekend, and I don’t have absolutely no freakin’ idea what the big deal was.  While (what I presume would be) the majority of the American...

Stars Without Makeup: Beyonce!

How do we feel about it, huh? Because me, as much as I generally dislike Beyonce’s thinly veiled high and mighty demeanor, there’s one thing you can’t deny, and it’s...

Quotables: Beyonce Loves Poopy Diapers

“I love changing diapers, I love it. I love every moment of it, it’s so beautiful. I love it all.” You guys! Oh my gosh, you guys, did you hear what Beyonce said? She said that...