Whether or not you’re looking forward to the all-female Ghostbusters reboot, it’s happening, so you might as well get used to it. Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones have already suited and booted up and we’re so close to the movie’s release now that the first Ghostbusters trailer has actually been revealed. I’ll admit that even the original never appealed to me, so while I’ll see this one because I like the cast and out of sheer curiosity, I’m not losing my shit over it like many seem to be.
To be totally honest, I was actually pleasantly surprised by the trailer, and the movie actually looks like it might be a lot of fun. Do I think it’ll live up to the original, which so many people seem to love? Maybe not – but maybe it’ll be something entirely different. Either way, I think it’s got potential, and that’s something, especially with all the bullshit that passes for a movie these days.
That being said, can we please start developing ORIGINAL talent again? I’m so sick of all these book-to-movie adaptations and reboots. For fuck’s sake, I don’t believe there’s a lack of creativity out there, Hollywood just doesn’t seem to be all that invested in developing it.