Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jeremy Renner + Guns = True Love Forever

jeremy renner

Jeremy Renner is a pretty notorious asshole, so it’s no surprise that in addition to being a walking garbage bag, he also really loves guns! Jeremy got together with a buddy this week to hit up a Nevada gun shop and fill his cart right up with several guns and plenty of ammunition. Yeehaw!

From TMZ:

Among the weapons Renner picked up … a $300 Remington shotgun, a $750 Springfield Armory XD 9mm pistol and a machete. Sorry ‘Avengers’ fans … no bow and arrow.

Renner’s a huge gun collector … his estranged wife made a big deal about his firearm collection in their custody war during his divorce.

The next stop … likely Renner’s 16-acre ranch outside Reno where he goes to pop off. It’s not where you want to be caught trespassing.

What on earth is wrong with these men that are obsessed with guns? Honestly? Jeremy Renner is not a hunter, and guns aren’t something you collect like German beer steins or angel figurines. They are deadly weapons that kill people every single day. WTF is Jeremy Renner’s point? I suppose that’s just his right as a ‘Murican?

Honestly, the ability to just walk into a store and fill up your cart with guns is ridiculous. Are we EVER going to learn? Or do we all just want the country to dissolve into endless gunfire because the Constitution says we can have our stupid guns?

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

    • As a 26 year old 5’1 petite woman, I can say that not only do I love shooting a gun (safely, with a license, on a range or somewhere else set up appropriately), but I feel safer knowing I have one in my home (locked up, away from children, in a safe) if need be. While I believe that extensive screening should be provided for mental soundness, criminal history (amongst all else), etc., I don’t think you have to be an ass hole to love guns, either. Yeehaw!

    • I didn’t say only assholes love guns. I said Jeremy Renner is an asshole, and I’m not surprised he loves guns.

      • Oh come on! So you didn’t directly say the statement but anyone who has a reading level of above a 10 year old can understand what you were meaning.

  • Very well said Chloe. I do not collect guns, but I have fired one in a gun range. I was being supervised by a good friend that does own multiple fire arms, and I do not think any less of her, nor do I question her intelligence. I quite enjoyed myself that day at the range, and while I don’t think I will ever own a fire arm, I won’t discount the possibility. And if do choose to own one or two, or more, I hope people won’t be so judgemental and close minded. I get enough of that for my sexuality. Apparently, intolerance exists even in those that present themselves as progressive thinkers.

  • I lived in Texas for 22 years and desperately loathe guns. I’ve never fired one and am passionately for gun control. However, I still hold no judgment for those own them and use them responsibly. From what inderstand, Renner lives on a ranch in the mountains in Nevada now, not exactly downtown LA. Having spent 3.5 years living in solid backwoods country (it sucks), I can personally vouch that having that kind of protection is mandatory. Aside from this point, while you said “I said Jeremy Renner is an asshole and I’m not surprised he liked guns,” you’re still drawing a connection between something bad (e.g., someone you think is stupid, is a jerk, is so ridiculous that their trip to Walmart merits being ridiculed on a gossip blog, etc.) and responsible gun ownership. These are great examples of pieces that make conversations on gun control incredibly difficult, especially in this god forsaken state. I hope I’m not coming across as though I’m lecturing. Even if your platform is still pretty small, it’s bigger than mine, and it helps to be aware.

  • He should of bought a better shotgun….. $300 really! The Springfield is nice but again a Glock or Sig much better and only in .45 auto. Always remember” when seconds count police are minutes away” always and remember ALWAYS be able to protect yourself! Get training and get a gun you know how to use.

  • Jeremy’s buddy was a woman. Usually in gossip sites that would lead to ‘who is the new girlfriend?’ or ‘who is the new beard?’. It says a lot that you just said buddy, could it be that you didn’t want to weaken your ‘what is wrong with these men and their guns?’ rant?

    • No, it’s because I didn’t actually notice. There are female gun lovers in the world, too. Doesn’t make it any less of a problem.

      • That is disingenuous, all the published stories came with pictures of the two of them. If you knew he was with a ‘buddy’, you knew the ‘buddy’ was a woman, if you knew he had a trolley, you knew he was with a woman. You then specified ‘these men and their guns’. I agree guns are a major issue and women have a role in that, but you linked it clearly to men and massaged the facts to support your point of view.