Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Teresa Giudice Celebrates Same Sex Marriage Ruling From Prison

teresa giudice

Look, I know it’s not maximum security or anything, but how in the hell is it a thing that prisoners get to use social media? Like, Teresa Giudice is serving a 15 month sentence for fraud at the Orange is the New Black prison, and yet somehow she’s also allowed to post on Twitter? WHAT?

Teresa first surfaced at the end of May, when she thanked well-wishes for their support. She then popped up again this week to express her happiness over the marriage equality news and to again offer her thanks to her fans.

It’s nice that she’s keeping her spirits up, getting buff (while getting cheated on, apparently) and all that, but how the hell is it PRISON if you’ve got access to every single thing you have in the outside world? I honestly need to Federal Correctional Institute in Danbury, Connecticut (which is where Teresa is) to explain this to me. Serious bullshit.

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  • Ha — that’s the real Orange is the New Black prison (I’m reading the book now). According to the book, back in 1997 which is when Piper Kerman was there, there was a TV room and they had access to newspapers, plus they could have subscriptions to different magazines. Also, they had weekly visits and could phone home daily. So you can see how they’d be aware of what’s going on in the real world. I wouldn’t be surprised if in 2015 this lady (whoever she is, I’m not American) has someone manage her twitter account while she’s in prison. Also, from a more political stance, I don’t agree with your last sentence (let me get on my soapbox). Prison and incarceration, especially for non-violent sentences, should not seek to punish but to rehabilitate. Around 70% of women in federal facilities in the US are there because of petty crimes such as taking messages for someone who was dealing drugs or selling prescription meds. If those women are given contact with the outside world and a chance to rebuild their lives once their outside, they will not feel the need to resort to illegal activities again. Okay thanks for listening!