Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Cate Blanchett Clarifies Sexuality Statements: ‘I’ve Never Been Sexual With A Woman’

cate blanchett

Well, I guess it was fun while it lasted, eh? Last week, Cate Blanchett was doing an interview for her new movie, Carol, in which she plays a woman who has a same-sex affair with a colleague, and she reportedly said that she’s had plenty of relationships with women in real life. Of course, that set the internet on fire, and everyone was going crazy because it’s Cate Blanchett and she’s beautiful and ~so straight~ and how could we not have known? Well, we didn’t know because it wasn’t true, as Cate has since pointed out. As per usual, she was misquoted and in fact, she’s never had any sort of sexual relationship with women. Damn.

From The Guardian:

“From memory, the conversation ran: ‘Have you had relationships with women?’ And I said: ‘Yes, many times. Do you mean have I had sexual relationships with women? Then the answer is no.’ But that obviously didn’t make it.”

To laughter from the crowd, Blanchett continued: “But in 2015, the point should be: who cares? Call me old fashioned but I thought one’s job as an actor was not to present one’s boring, small, microscopic universe but to make a psychological connection to another character’s experiences. My own life is of no interest to anyone else. Or maybe it is. But I certainly have no interest in putting my own thoughts and opinions out there.”

Well, that’s disappointing – the fact that she’s not on the team, so to speak. The more, the merrier! In all seriousness, though, it did all seem pretty strange. Not necessarily because it was such a nonchalant admission (because it doesn’t need to be anything more), but because her original quote seemed so piecemeal in comparison to most of the interviews I’ve read with her. She’s never been one to discuss anything about her personal life, let alone relationships of any kind, so I thought it was strange that she sorta just dropped that one out there. Turns out, if things seem too good to be true, they usually are!

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